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Workshop: Advance in Materials and Catalysis for a Sustainable Future

Tid: On 2024-06-19 kl 13.00

Plats: Lecture Hall K1 in Royal Institute of Technology KTH, Teknikringen 56, floor 3

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Our world demands for a sustainable development, and a global action is needed. Stockholm Material Hub will organize this workshop to discuss the latest advance in materials and catalysis that we consider crucial to enable a sustainable future. Materials scientists, pioneers in industrial innovation and also our PhD student will jointly present and discuss their views and actions on this topic in this workshop. Participants are welcome to register and join our workshop.

When: June 19th (Wednesday) 2024 at 1pm
Were: Lecture Hall K1 in Royal Institute of Technology KTH, Teknikringen 56, floor 3

Registrate here :
(Registration is free and takes only 1 min.)


1.00-1.10 pm Opening, Jiayin Yuan
Chairperson: Jiayin Yuan

 1.10-1.40 pm Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University, USA
Advances in Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Applications of MXenes

1.40-2.10 pm Arne Thomas, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Covalent Organic Frameworks for Catalysis and Energy Applications

2.10-2.30 pm FIKA
Chairperson: Mirva Eriksson

2.30-3.00 pm Simon Weston, former ExxonMobil Research & Engineering project leader, USA
Some Approaches to a Decarbonized Sustainable Future with Novel Materials, Contactors and Processes

3.00-3.30 pm Biswanath Das & Sharon Berkowicz, CarbGen AB, Sweden
Integrating CO2 from Flue Gas into a Circular Economy via Novel Electrocatalytic Technology

3.30 – 3.50 pm FIKA
Chairperson: Baltzar Stevensson

3.50-4.10 pm Maja-Stina Svanberg Frisinger (PhD student talk), Stockholm University, Sweden
Immobilization of thermostable carbonic anhydrase on aminated mesostructured silica for enzymatic enhancement of CO2 capture

4.10-4.40 pm Naser Tavajohi, Umea University, Sweden
The potential and challenges of polymeric membranes in contributing to a sustainable future

4.40-4.45 pm Wrap-up