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Constitutive models of magneto-sensitive rubber under a continuum mechanics basis and the application in vibration isolation

Tid: On 2020-06-10 kl 10.00

Plats: Register in advance for this webinar: https://kth-se.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RpFZ02dlRA2Mp-z2AZAEyA If you lack computer or computerskills, contact Erik Gomez, gomez@kth.se, (English)

Ämnesområde: Teknisk mekanik

Respondent: Bochao Wang , Marcus Wallenberg Laboratoriet MWL

Opponent: Professor Vincent Coveney, University of the West of England

Handledare: Leif Kari, Marcus Wallenberg Laboratoriet MWL; Ines Lopez Arteaga, Marcus Wallenberg Laboratoriet MWL

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