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COP27 hubb på KTH Campus

FN:s årliga klimatkonferens COP 27 den 8-17 november på KTH


Under FN:s årliga klimatkonferens COP 27 den 8-17 november är KTH Climate Action Centre värd för en hub i Stockholm tillsammans med organisationen We Don’t Have Time. En rad seminarier och aktiviteter kommer att ordnas i hubben, och involverar näringsliv, beslutsfattare, NGOs, forskare, studenter och allmänhet.

Tid: Ti 2022-11-08 - To 2022-11-17

Plats: Vallahallavägen 79

Språk: Engelska

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Välkommen till KTH:s Public Arena under COP27.

We Don't Have Time och partners kommer att vara live från COP27 i Sharm El-Sheikh, men även från Stockholm, Nairobi och Washington DC. 8 november till 17 november 2022.

Läs mer om hela programmet här.

Häng med live från vår COP27 Climate Hub på KTH och ta möjligheten att ställa dina frågor direkt till talarna i Sharm El-Sheikh, NAirobi, Washington och Stockholm.

Registrera dig på denna sida för att följa vår COP27-sändning i studion , Se till att komma i tid för att få en bra plats.

KTH workshops och evenemang

Under evenemanget arrangera KTH öppna aktiviteter med forskare och studenter i restaurangdelen.

8 november

CLIMATE FRESK WORKSHOP 17.00-20.00 (English)

The Climate Fresk workshop is a fun and collaborative way to learn the science behind the IPCC reports.

It is simple: Participants gather around a table in teams of 4 to 7.
They work collaboratively, using the Climate Fresk cards, to learn about the cause and effect relationship between different components of climate change. A trained facilitator, part of the KTH association Student for Sustainability, guides the entire process and provides additional insight.

Everyone can participate ! Beginners will learn the basics of climate science and more experienced participants will build on and structure their existing knowledge. The duration of a workshop is 3 hours.

Wraps (vegan) to first 20 participants

Register here

Kontakt för mer information: Climate Fresk, perrinej@kth.se

10 november

The role of youth in pushing implementation of science-based climate solutions, 12.00-13.00 (english)

Klimatstudenterna welcome you to a round table discussion stimulated by video extracts from conversations recorded for Stockholm+50 by the Klimatstudenterna's Third Task project.

A brief introduction and screening will be followed by 15-20 minute of group discussions. The discussion will be summed up by the moderators/participants from each group, and then placed in context of COP27.

Facebook event

Wraps (vegan) to first 20 participants

Register here

Kontakt för mer information: KTH Klimatstudenterna
Krzysztof Jurdzinski- k.jurdzinski@gmail.com

10 november

Smarta Kartan Mapjam - Sharing economy. 17.15-20.00 (English)

We need you.

Do you know the local tool library or bike rental service in your area? Have you visited a co-working space or community garden recently? Or do you want to find more places like this? Come to the Mapjam!

As part of COP 27 the Students for Sustainability (SforS) group is hosting a crowd-sourcing event. Our goal will be to find places that are about sharing a space or goods, like libraries, repair cafés, bike rentals, etc. We want to find as many places as possible that focus on access over ownership.

It's important to gather as many people as possible. So even if you don't know what exactly you could contribute right now, don't worry.

All our findings will later be added into an open source map called SmartaKartan  where everyone can see them.

Our Mapjam will roughly last until 20:00 o'clock. We will of course have some food. Wraps (vegan) to first 20 participants

Don't forget to bring your own computer.
Sign up here: forms.gle/NSSgdCoaQ2D39Qwa8  
Facebookevent: www.facebook.com/events/1728234530896730
Kontaktperson på SforS: Veine Haglund, veineh@kth.se

14 nov Guest seminar

Climate support tool for suppliers

An online climate education tool for all sectors, 14 nov 13.30

Speaker: Viveka Risberg, Program Director Sustainable Production and Consumtion, Axfoundation.

Welcome to Vallhallavägen 79, for a presentation about an online, free, open climate education tool in line with science and relevant for all sectors.

Launched at Stockholm +50 at the WeDontHaveTime broadcast, the Climate Education Tool aims to accelerate the greenhouse gas emission reductions at small and medium-sized companies in the supply chain of Western buying companies. Viveka Risberg, Program director Sustainable production and consumption at Axfoundation will show the tool. Axfoundation is an independent, non-profit organization working practically and concretely towards building a sustainable society.

This solution has been developed by Axfoundation in collaboration with Axfood, Kicks, Martin & Servera, Swedish Trade Federation and Exponential Roadmap Initiative.

14 and 16 nov Guest speaker

Climate Reality Presentation

November 9: 14:15-15:00 CET, November 14: 17:15-18:00 CET, November 16: 17:15-18:00 CET

Welcome to listen to Christina Carlmark holding a Climate Reality presentation, explaining what the climate crisis is and what we need to do about it.

Christina is a Climate Reality Leader and has been trained by former Vice President Al Gore in 2015 and 2018. Today, she is the volunteer co-ordinator for trained Climate Reality Leaders in the Nordic countries. She also works at We Don’t Have Time.

The Climate Reality Project  was founded by Al Gore, with the purpose to train people around the world so that they can find local solutions to the climate crisis. To date, +50.000 people have been trained.

From COP27, there is a session with ClimateReality Project Africa on November 15, 19:00-20:00 CET.

17 november

Changing the game of consumption 12.00-13.00 (English)

During COP27 Mistra Sustainable Consumption invites you to test run a game based on their research on measures for enabling sustainable consumption.

Free lunch wraps to the first 20 participants

Join us in testing an interactive board game to change consumption. Consumption is currently far from sustainable because the goods we consume cause extensive negative consequences for both people and the environment. Within the Mistra Sustainable Consumption research program, researchers have identified a number of ways in which living and consuming, in the areas of food, vacation and home furnishing, could help achieve more sustainable consumption.

The game is based on the report 62 enablers for Sustainable consumption that focus on private consumption but also to public consumption, school meals and on enabling sustainable and reduced consumption in general.

The collection of examples are not to be seen as recommendations, but can be used as inspiration for politicians at both national and local level, for decision-makers at companies and in authorities, and for organizations in civil society.

More information: Åsa Svenfelt asa.svenfelt@abe.kth.se