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Chile: Universidad de Chile

The Universidad de Chile in Santiago de Chile, is an autonomous, public, national institution. It is the oldest and most important university in the country and one of the most prestigious in South America. The student population is around 38,000 students, attending courses in all study areas.

University in brief

Language of instruction: Spanish
Academic calendar: July-December, March-July
Credit system: 30 creditos is equivalent to 30 ECTS credits
Youtube: uchile
Note: Only courses given by FCFM

• Astronomy
• Computer Sciences
• Physics
• Geophysics
• Geology
• Civil Engineering
• Mining Engineering
• Electrical Engineering

• Industrial Engineering
• Mathematical Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering
• Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Materials
• Sports
• Humanities for Engineering and Sciences

• Literature & artistic courses

Exchange opportunities

Number of spots: Approx. 8 semester places
Grade requirements: None

Programme specific information

If your programme or school is not listed below, contact the international coordinator at your school.