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International Internship Program in Informatics at NII in Tokyo

As a doctoral or master’s student at KTH, you have the opportunity to be a guest researcher at the leading institute for informatics in Japan with funding to cover the living costs.

Tokyo skyline


The application is now open until 5 October. When you apply, please follow these steps:

  1. First, you need to get in contact with a professor at NII who approves to supervise you if you are admitted.
  2. Then, write a Letter of Motivation that you send to KTH Professor Atsuto Maki, , who is coordinating this programme at KTH. You should attach CV, indicating clearly any and all past employment and educational history, and also the application form (i.e. three items to send in total).
  3. Make sure to read the NII guidelines before KTH’s internal deadline.
  4. Then, a nomination will be made for up to three applicants that are communicated with NII. KTH’s Vice president Stefan Östlund is in charge of this nomination.

Click on the link below to find NII's guidelines with available research projects and contact details for supervisors, and the application.

2nd call of 2024"NII International Internship Program" Guideline for Candidates

The National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo has identified KTH as a prioritized partner. Therefore, master’s and doctoral students at KTH can visit NII and get supervision. If you are a master’s student, you can use this opportunity for your master’s degree project. Through this programme, students and researchers at KTH have stayed in NII for several years.

NII offers an exceptionally strong research environment. It is the only national institute in Japan in informatics, with some 75 permanent professors and many visiting professors. The institute is located in central Tokyo.

There are two calls announced annually:

  • Call 1: During the spring, with an application deadline in May – for stays ending in March of the following year at the latest.
  • Call 2: During the Autumn semester, with an application deadline in October – for stays starting after 1 March in the following year.

Research visits should extend over two to four months. The financial support is approximately SEK 400 per day.

How to apply

You will find information on this page regarding the application procedure and deadlines when the application is open.