6 Easy Ways To Flourish At Work and In Life
Time: Tue 2022-04-26 12.15 - 13.15
Location: KTH Entré, Drottning Kristinas väg 4, floor 2
Language: English
Participating: Grant Calder, CEO TheRoll
We are back in KTH Entré! Lunch sandwich to the first arrived.
6 Easy Ways To Flourish At Work and In Life is an interactive lecture designed to kickstart your energy levels this Spring! It’s based on the scientific research of Martin Seligman who is one of the world’s leading researchers on happiness, resilience, optimism and performance.
You will learn the “PERMA-H” model to address 6 ways to Flourish and use an assessment tool to score your current state. You will use that information to engage in active exercise discussions with fellow students addressing key insights, problem solving, sharing ideas and supporting one other to develop strategies for areas of improvement. Having this knowledge will provide you with a lifetime approach to increasing your energy levels, resilience, happiness and satisfaction
Grant Calder is the CEO of The Roll www.theroll.com , a human capital management consultancy and SaaS company. The Roll specializes in empowering people and organizations to realize their full potential, personally, professionally and as global leaders. Grant is also the Head of Leadership, Career & Entrepreneurship Coaching Programs at the Stockholm School of Economics.
He is coming to KTH to facilitate your learning, give you tools and spark interesting discussions with one another on Flourishing!