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A career with a PhD degree

Time: Wed 2023-12-06 12.15 - 13.00

Location: KTH entré, Drottning Kristinas väg 4, second floor

Language: English

Participating: Prof. Per Berglund and Karim Engelmark Cassimjee

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After spending some years pursuing a PhD, immersed in research, you are now looking forward to a career in the industry but how do you transition from academia to a position at a company? Holding a PhD, you are one of many struggling with finding common grounds with the industry.

What are the possibilities enabled by a PhD degree? How are companies looking at a PhD in their recruitment? What other questions are circulating in your mind?

Join us when Prof. Per Berglund and KTH Alumnus of the year 2021 Karim Engelmark Cassimjee shed some light the career path with a PhD.

Free lunch sandwich for early birds!
