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PhD Survey

KTH Doctoral students survey 2023

Published May 12, 2023

We want to hear YOUR opinion on YOUR doctoral studies!

Please participate in the KTH PhD Chapter Doctoral Students Survey 2023 by the PhD Chapter. Your opinion is very valuable to us. The survey should take around 25 minutes to complete.

With this survey, we, your representatives on the central level (PhD Chapter Board) and schools level (PhD Students School Councils), would like to understand what issues you have as doctoral students, which we should prioritize and use it to guide our work with improving third-cycle studies at KTH.

Note that your responses are anonymous.
Also, at the end of the survey, there is a thank-you gift for you. 🎁

If you are unable to finish it at once, you can just close the page and press the link below again to resume from where you ended. Just make sure to finish the survey before it closes on May 22nd.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the survey responsible at your PhD students school council at:
SCI: or
PhD Chapter:

Best regards,
Mohammad Abuasbeh, PhD Chapter Board Chairperson
Hampus Berg Mårtensson, ABE Council Chairperson
Gregory Alvey, CBH Council Chairperson
Saumey Jain, EECS Council Chairperson
Amelie Bennich, ITM Council Vice-Chairperson
Mattias Åstrand, SCI Council Chairperson
on behalf of the PhD Chapter Board and schools' PhD Councils

The survey link : Survey link