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New 2023 SCI PhD Student Council

Published Dec 13, 2022

A new PhD Student Council at the School of Engineering Sciences has been elected with success!

The elections are over and the new PhD Student Council has been presented at the election meeting on Dec 2nd. The following PhD students will form the new council.

Council positions
Position Name Department
Chair Mattias Åstrand Applied Physics
Vice chair (2) Charlie Börjeson Applied Physics
Vladilena Gaisina Engineering Mechanics
Education Manager Vladilena Gaisina Engineering Mechanics
Webmaster Sai Kausik Abburu Engineering Mechanics
Event Manager Jana Vasiljevic Physics
PhD student representatives
Doctoral program Name Department
Vehicle and Maritime Engineering 
Sai Kausik Abburu Engineering Mechanics
Solid Mechanics(2) Daniela Klein Engineering Mechanics
Clas Dahlin Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics (2) Saeed Davoodi Engineering Mechanics
Rohan Ajit Kulkarni Engineering Mechanics
Mathematics Nedialko Bradinoff Mathematics
Applied and Computational Mathematics Emanuel Ström Mathematics
Physics (2) Daniel Qvarngård Physics
Elina Charatsidou Physics
Applied Physics (2) Cherrie Lee Applied Physics
Charlie Börjeson Applied Physics