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Elections are open!

Published Dec 07, 2021

The list of nominees is complete and the elections are now open. All PhD students at the School of Engineering Sciences (SCI) are invited to submit their digital ballot.

The voting for the 2022 SCI PhD Student Council is now open! All PhD-students within the SCI school are eligible to vote, which is done through the election form  open between 7th Dec – 16th Dec.

See the list of nominees below. For more information about the election process and the open positions please have a look at our 2021 Elections webpage .


The candidates for the council positions are presented below, with name (department/doctoral program) and a short motivation as to why they are running for the position. The Nomination Committee has reviewed the nominations and proposed a composition for the 2022 council, which is indicated by endorsement of candidates. The endorsement is only a proposal made to the candidates (who could accept a nomination or pursue a different position) and the student body, as the deciding factor is what candidate gets the most votes for each position. If a person is elected for several positions, they will carry the combined workload. Several programs have two people endorsed for the position of PAD, which means the workload is aimed to be shared 50/50.


Mattias Åstrand (Applied Physics/Applied Physics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"Contributing to society, or at the very least to the reality I live in, has always been a priority of mine. By getting enrolled as chairperson or PAD, I aim to learn about interdisciplinary and program-specific issues within the SCI school, and do my best to improve our workplace environment. I have been student representative at NanoLund, would like to share my experience and continue developing my administrative skills.

I am socially active, positive, easy to talk to, and happy to listen."

Vice chair

For the Vice chair position, the Nomination Committee has decided to endorse two candidates, which will split the workload of the position as well as carrying additional positions within the council.

Vladilena Gaisina (Engineering Mechanics/Solid Mechanics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I would like to be more involved in the PhD representation at the school level and have an opportunity to improve the PhD experience for SCI students. I have previous experience being in leadership positions of social and professional organizations. I have limited Swedish proficiency, though I intend to take more Swedish courses next year."

Charlie Börjeson (Applied Physics/Applied Physics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"As vice-chair of the PhD student council, I would aim to learn how KTH works at all levels of the SCI school, and to improve the situation for PhD students. I would for example want to advocate for proper introductions to the school, department and program for new PhD students. I also aim to be part of the student council for more than one year to push for more long-term projects."


Vladilena Gaisina (Engineering Mechanics/Solid Mechanics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

See description under Vice chair.


Charlie Börjeson (Applied Physics/Applied Physics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

See description under Vice chair.

Event manager

Jana Vasiljevic (Physics/Physics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I would like to continue to be part of the SCI Council, since I am still at the first half of my PhD studies. Also this year was interesting for me and feel like I can contribute more to the Council."

PAD for Applied and Computational Mathematics

Emanuel Ström (Mathematics/Applied and Computational Mathematics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I think being a student representative will be a good experience.
In part as an opportunity to learn how the system works, and also to contribute actively to a better working environment, both by communication and organisation."

PAD for Applied Physics

Cherrie Lee (Applied Physics/Applied Physics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"To be engaged and get first hand information about any changes KTH are making regarding PhD students and influence these changes.

Networking among PhDs from various departments is useful for potential inter-departmental collaboration, exchange of knowledge and skills and also providing support to each other. I would like to help make this connection possible and easier among PhD students by organising fun social activities whereby PhDs can interact and bond in a fun environment."

PAD for Engineering Mechanics

Rohan Ajit Kulkarni (Engineering Mechanics/Engineering Mechanics) – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I have a management experience with a team of 15 people. By being part of PhD council I want to be part of recruitment process and understand the management aspect at better level. I also would like to involve in planning scientific as well as fun activities in the department to ensure more engaging workplace bonding."

Saeed Davoodi – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I was part of students council when I was high school student and I really liked it. I want to be part of SCI school council now to be able to reflect my colleagues issues and opinions in the meetings."

PAD for Mathematics

Nedialko Brandinoff – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"My name is Nedialko Bradinoff, and I am a first year PhD student in the Random Matrices, Stochastic Models, and Analysis Group in the Mathematics department. I believe that the first hand experience in the organization of the department would be really interesting and invaluable for me. Naturally I think that representation of PhD students in the department is essential and it would be an honor for me to take part in it. Please consider my nomination for PAD."

PAD for Physics

Elina Charatsidou – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"As a student ambassador throughout my master's studies, I was able to communicate with a variety of students, from many different backgrounds, help with questions and assist with problem-solving. As a PAD I would like to offer the students a chance to be represented by a student who is responsible and cares deeply about the department and studies matters."

Andrea Benfenati – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I have been vice chair and PAD under the year 2021, and would like to continue to contribute to the continuity of the work of the board. My expected graduation date will be before the end of 2022."

PAD for Solid Mechanics

The PAD for the Solid Mechanics program has already been elected locally.

PAD for Vehicle and Maritime Engineering

Niloofar Sayyad Khodashenas – endorsed by Nomination Committee

Sai Kausik Abburu – endorsed by Nomination Committee

"I have been a PAD the past year and I really liked to be involved in developing the structure and being involved in the decisions within the school and the department. So I would like to continue with this role and contribute more this year as the corona restrictions reduce. Hopefully will be able to continue in this role."