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A remanufactured gearbox contributes to reduced environmental impact


Published Oct 02, 2024

Milestone gearbox ‘remanufacturing’ project consumed about 50 percent less material and roughly 45 percent fewer carbon emissions compared with making brand-new one. Project shows it is possible to integrate remanufactured components directly into the production lines of new vehicles.


The historic achievement took place earlier this year as part of the iReGear  joint research project with Scania, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Scandinavian Transmission Service AB, and was made possible with funding from Vinnova. Making Scania the first in its industry to reuse components in the production of new vehicles.

The research project started in September 2023 with the aim of investigating the possibility of integrating refurbished gearboxes into the production line for new trucks. The project, funded by Vinnova, studied technical, legal, and customer-oriented perspectives that affect feasibility.

"Remanufacturing"—reusing old parts to create new products of full quality—reduces climate emissions and helps support the transition to a circular economy.

Contact person:

Farazee Asif