Challenges for ERTMS related to implementation, technology and railway capacity
Time: Thu 2022-01-27 14.15
Location: V318, Teknikringen 78, Campus, Videolänk
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Language: English
Subject area: Transport Science, Transport Systems
Doctoral student: Vahid Ranjbar , Transportplanering
Opponent: Docent Anders Peterson, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap
Supervisor: Associate Professor Oskar Fröidh, Transportplanering; Professor Nils Olsson, NTNU; PhD Olov Lindfeldt, MTR; Professor Johan Silfwerbrand, Betongbyggnad
QC 20211213
The main purpose of European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) is to remove crossborder barriers and create an interoperable railway network across European countries (Smithet al. 2012). Since its birth, ERTMS has faced several issues regarding interoperability andimplementation. In addition, one of the main questions for decision-makers and infrastructuremanagers regarding ERTMS is determining what level of operation is suitable to implementand deliver additional performance compared to legacy systems.This thesis aims to identify challenges for the ERTMS related to implementation, andinteroperability to achieve a mobile and intelligent railway transport system. A subsequentstudy on railway capacity is performed. It investigates the impact of ERTMS Hybrid Level 3(HL3) compared to the European Train Control System Level 2, (ETCS L2) and a Swedishlegacy system, ATC2. To achieve the goals of this study, two methodologies are used: 1)Literature review and 2) Simulation.The literature reviews were conducted in order to determine what the challenges ofimplementation of ERTMS are to resolve issues related to ERTMS subsystems (Global Systemfor Mobile Communication – Railway (GSM-R), and ETCS). ETCS needs to exploit hybridtechnologies for gradual deployment of next generation signalling systems. GSM-R must bereplaced with new technologies such as, long-term evolution (LTE) to support necessary datatransmission capacity for implementation of the next generation of signalling system.Furthermore, the literature review regarding achieving interoperable and intelligent railwaytransport shows that reducing wayside equipment have potential to provide a more costefficientrailway transport. To test and validate this finding, it is necessary to develop adaptedtools for railway and signalling systems. Providing flexible railway operation with backwardforwardinteroperability and hybrid solutions will make it possible to gradually upgrade currentsystems.As decision-makers look for additional performance in new signalling systems over legacyinstallations, the impact various signalling systems have on line capacity must be examined.To this end, a comparative analysis between legacy ATC, ETCS Level 2, and ETCS HybridLevel 3 using simulation tool was performed. The case study was performed on a highfrequency traffic commuter train line in Stockholm during peak hours. The results of study showHL3 delivers better performance compared to the legacy system and ETCS L2, and can deliveracceptable performance for a commuter train line with high density. Considering the casestudy, it can be concluded that HL3 delivers better performance on commuter train lines withhigh density.