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Going from Lineside to In-cab Railway Signaling

Driveability Issues and Solutions

Time: Fri 2022-12-02 14.00

Location: Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm

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Language: English

Subject area: Transport Science, Transport Systems

Doctoral student: Tomas Rosberg , Transportplanering, Statens Väg- och Transportforskningsinstitut

Opponent: Professor Birgit Milius, TU Berlin

Supervisor: Docent Oskar Fröidh, Transportplanering; Universitetslektor Thorslund Birgitta, VTI och Linköpings Universitet; Doktor Behzad Kordnejad, Transportplanering

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QC 2022-11-03


From many perspectives there is a need to understand more of how capacity, signal systems, anddriving behavior interact, and naturally since ERTMS is in its early stage, some areas are stillunexplored. The number of retrofitted ERTMS lines and new designed ERTMS lines are increasing inEurope, which implies extra focus on the capacity optimization in the network planning process.Many of these signaling projects involves going from traditional national lineside signaling to ERTMS.One of the parameters in capacity assessments that is relatively unexplored is the impact of the traindriver. One important knowledge gap to fill is how simulation parameters should be adapted formore realistic capacity planning, based on driving behavior. ERTMS support new possibilities ofsignaling with its design of line speed profiles, but what consequences does the choices lead to? It isan important topic since ERTMS is a paradigm shift in train driving, and driveability has an impact onsafety, energy consumption, and capacity. The purpose of this PhD project is adding knowledge tothis field. The work has been carried out incrementally, beginning with investigation of drivingbehavior with Swedish traditional lineside signaling (ATC), and with this new information proceedingto the area of ERTMS. In the next step, train driving behavior was investigated for ERTMS with a newmeasuring method based on the standardized ETCS radio signaling. ERTMS lines have been evaluatedas more challenging to drive, and a systematic literature review was conducted to understand ERTMSdriveability and how driveability can be assessed. In the overall picture the impact on driveabilityoriginates from both technological, organizational, and train driver aspects. Analyzing the researchobjectives in this area aims at contributing to a more effective and beneficial network planningprocess. Lastly, one of the proposed methods to achieve increased driveability, speed-filtering, wasexamined and revealed good effects on driver workload, capacity, and energy consumption. Usingtraditional train traffic measurement methods based on train onboard equipment are associatedwith legal challenges and time-consuming post-processing, and the new proposed ERTMS remotemethod initiates a new efficient framework for this research purpose. From a method perspective,the train driver simulator enables comprehensive driver behavior studies, where safety regulationsnormally constrain real train setups.