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Researchers’ Noticeboard

  • Resistance to noise threats new types of drones

    A personal drone flying over a city in sunset.
    It may sound exciting to have personal drones over our cities, but when it comes down to it, people are not so willing to change their immediate surroundings. Photo: Joby Aviations
    Published May 31, 2023

    Flying cars above the Globe Arena and drones for cargo transport taking off and landing from Stockholm rooftops. Is this a realistic future scenario, and how do we get there? One thing that threatens ...

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  • New technique boosts accuracy and efficiency in probabilistic programming

    KTH researchers have developed a new technique applied in probabilistic programming languages. The t
    KTH researchers have developed a new technique applied in probabilistic programming languages. The technique which will be critical when determining how often species evolve into new species and how often species go extinct. Photo: Kyaw Tun/Unsplash
    Published May 29, 2023

    Programming can be a time-consuming and error-prone task. KTH researchers propose an automated technique that relieves developers of manual processes.

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  • KTH researchers developing new approaches to robotics

    Views of the open-source CloudGripper robot
    Camera views of the open source CloudGripper robots developed by the group. The open source project is planned to be launched publicly at IEEE IROS in Detroit and online at later this year.
    Published May 11, 2023

    Robotics has the potential to unlock large benefits for society, but new applications, such as assistive robotics functions in healthcare require fundamental breakthroughs in how robots reason and int...

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  • A new ShiftLabs node is starting in Södertälje

    Map of Sweden with circles around the four node locations.
    ShiftLabs' four nodes are in Gothenburg, Skövde, Mälardalen and the Stockholm region.
    Published May 02, 2023

    Small and medium-sized businesses will receive help with digitalisation from KTH Leancentrum and Södertälje Science Park. As part of the innovation hub ShiftLabs, their mission is to provide companies...

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  • New clothing design mimics muscles used when singing

    A female opera singer stands in front of a group of six people dressed with the Corsetto garment.
    researchers teamed up with a professional opera singer to develop a mediating technology that would allow audience members to feel the muscular movements, tensions and engagements when singing. Photo: Ozgun Kilic Afsar
    Published May 02, 2023

    Researchers develop garment that can emulate what it feels like when someone is singing, breaking new ground in making performing arts more interactive and immersive.

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  • KTH researcher rewarded for new type of cellulose pulp

     Yuanyuan Li shakes hands with King Carl XVI Gustaf.
    Yuanyuan Li receives the Gunnar Sundblad Research Foundation Competence Development Award from Carl XVI Gustaf. Photo: Carl Moser, Swedish Forest Industries
    Published Apr 21, 2023

    Yuanyuan Li, Assistant Professor at KTH, receives this year's Competence Development Award from the Gunnar Sundblad Research Foundation. The prize of SEK 700,000 goes to her research into a new type o...

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  • KTH-based technology makes offshore wind power more accessible

    Scibreak HVDC breaker
    Published Apr 13, 2023

    Scibreak, a small startup company originating from the labs of KTH, has developed technology that can build a robust and reliable offshore power grid. This has caught the attention of industry giant M...

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  • The actions that prevent sex trade in hotels

    Image showing people in a hotel room, a reception and a woman with "Stop prostitution".
    Image: Stina Wirsén
    Published Apr 12, 2023

    Most people know that both prostitution and human trafficking take place in Swedish hotels. Few, though, think about how this affects the hotel staff and their attitude toward the workplace. And how c...

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  • Using AI and visualisation to create knowledge insights

    Published Apr 11, 2023

    How can AI be used as a tool to train new brain surgeons? And can operating theatres become more sterile with the help of visualisation? Mario Romero’s research is multi-faceted and often surprising.

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  • Emerging digital platforms force waste management rethink

    Photo: Erik Ottoson Trovalla / Nordiska museet
    Published Mar 22, 2023

    Crowd-sourced waste disposal services push the legal and ethical boundaries on who should take care of our waste.

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  • Prize-winning research will develop the energy markets of the future

    Published Mar 20, 2023

    Maximising social welfare and further integrating renewable energy sources into the energy system. This is the potential of two capacity calculation methods primarily focusing on facilitating the cros...

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  • Improved wireless communication can boost launch of autonomous vehicles

    vehicular wireless communication
    Published Mar 06, 2023

    Collaboration with Princeton University merges machine learning with cellular networks, making cars safer and more energy efficient. Together with experts in machine learning and wireless communicatio...

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  • Scalable Production of Spider Silk Nanowires

    Green droplets on black background.
    Droplets of soluble spider silk proteins.
    Published Feb 27, 2023

    Researchers from KTH have successfully up-scaled the process for producing and releasing spider silk nanowires. They used liquid bridge-induced assembly to create over 12 million of 10 μm long nanowir...

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  • New project on digital solutions for value recovery in manufacturing

    Person in manufacturing
    Photo: This is engineering, Unsplash.
    Published Feb 07, 2023

    A four-year research project involving KTH and partners from 9 countries kicked-off in January 2023. The project will focus on the development of an open access platform for lifecycle information mana...

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  • KTH and partners to develop critical parts of next generation 6G networks

    Photo: Unsplash
    Published Feb 06, 2023

    KTH has joined forces with Ericsson and eight other partners to solve one of the key challenges of new 6G networks, predictable end-to-end connections between users, processes, and digital representat...

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  • KTH-led project develops next-generation biorefineries

    Photo of Efthymios Kantarelis.
    Efthymios Kantarelis, Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering at KTH.
    Published Jan 31, 2023

    Researchers from KTH and Lund University will develop an integrated alcohol biorefinery for the production of industrially important chemicals (IIC) and energy carriers from Swedish biomass.

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  • Learning algorithms is an ever-increasing part of modern engineering

    Learning algorithms in modern safety-critical infrastructure
    Published Jan 30, 2023

    Learning algorithms have already shown great promise to deliver high-performing solutions to complex dynamic problems ranging from walking robots to games. They are set to play an ever-increasing role...

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  • Earlier diagnosis of cancer with Lucky Loop

    Filipe de Palma Marques at the MST lab
    Published Jan 25, 2023

    If you have a cyst, you want the doctor to be able to tell you how severe it is. But until now, this has been more complex than it sounds. The new start-up Lucky Loop will help diagnose pancreatic can...

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  • Nanoparticles in emissions on researcher’s radar

    Published Jan 05, 2023

    Nanoparticles are everywhere, but we don't know how many or how toxic they are to humans and nature. The nPETS project involves researchers from all over Europe who visit road tunnels and airports to ...

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  • EECS researchers awarded prestigious fellowships

    The IEEE fellows Xiongfei Wang, Dimos Dimarogonas, Oscar Quevedo-Teruel and Henrik Sandberg.
    Published Dec 19, 2022

    EECS captures four out of five elevations to IEEE fellow awarded to Swedish academia.

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