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  • US ambassador visits KTH

    Published Mar 01, 2007

    On 20 February Michael M. Woods, US Ambassador to Sweden, visited our School of Energy & Environmental Technology. The purpose of his visit was to discuss joint US-Swedish efforts furthering issues a...

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  • Major effort for top DNA technology

    Published Feb 22, 2007

    Thanks to a donation from the Alice & Knut Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish scientists will have access to the world´s most powerful tool for decoding of DNA. This will enable them to establish the sequ...

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  • 120 MSEK to KTH research on cleaner energy production

    Published Feb 09, 2007

    The Swedish Energy Agency has granted the KTH Dept. of Energy Technology the sum of 60 MSEK towards the research programme ”Turbo-power – electric current production from thermal turbo engines & proce...

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  • ”Sometimes I missed the force of gravity”

    Published Jan 30, 2007

    As astronaut Christer Fuglesang visited KTH´s Main Campus on Thursday 25 January 2007, hundreds of students from the high schools affiliated to KTH had the opportunity to hear his personal account of ...

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  • First Swedish astronaut visits KTH

    Published Jan 23, 2007

    Christer Fuglesang, the first Swede in space, visits KTH Thursday, January 25. He will participate in a seminar for high school students and teachers. During the seminar he will screen a film shot dur...

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  • New agent produces smarter text searches

    Published Jan 15, 2007

    A major problem today is not lack of information but the overwhelming mass of it. Many people feel that the pressure from this leads to information stress – difficulties in finding the right info, on ...

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  • KTH develops new computer memory for IBM

    Published Jan 11, 2007

    KTH is helping IBM to develop the computer memory of the future – MRAM. This is economical on energy, super-fast, and with very large storage capacity; in other words just what all types of PC´s, mobi...

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  • Next big export hit: Algorithmica Research

    Published Jan 10, 2007

    Risk analysis operator and adviser Algorithmica Research AB has been awarded the ”Go Global Award 2006” from Stockholm Innovation & Growth (STING), with multi-entrepreneur and “business witch” Katarin...

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  • Faster trains use less energy

    Published Dec 20, 2006

    Modern trains are 40 to 50 percent faster than older ones, yet they use up almost 30 percent less energy than older, loco-hauled trains – this is the essence of a recent KTH report. There are several ...

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  • Major effort in Swedish product development

    Published Dec 15, 2006

    Our country needs both new products and services to be able to compete globally. This is why VINNOVA, the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems, is making a major effort towards supporti...

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  • Swedish Research Council: More funds to fewer

    Published Dec 13, 2006

    More funding to fewer scientists; more support for some 30 junior researchers; fresh funds to basic research on energy sources and sustainable development efforts – these are some of the new ideas app...

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  • Computer tells difference between wood and concrete

    Published Nov 29, 2006

    A new tool for acoustic simulation in buildings offers new possibilities to perform this via computer modelling. This software enables the operator to move walls, or make a change of building material...

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  • World´s first fusion reactor now under way

    Published Nov 27, 2006

    ITER, or ”International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor”, the first fusion reactor in the world, will be erected at Cadarache, outside Aix-en-Provence in southern France. Formal start of the projec...

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  • Yahoo buys KTH bud

    Published Nov 23, 2006

    Kenet Works, the Swedish Internet company that got started by KTHs then “Incubator Service” in 2003, has been purchased by U S search engine giant Yahoo. Managing Director at Kenet is Gustav Söderströ...

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  • KTH-lag till final i programmerings-VM

    Published Nov 20, 2006

    Ett lag från KTH vann helgens Nordeuropeiska mästerskap i datorprogrammering. Därmed går de vidare till finalen i programmerings-VM som hålls i Tokyo i mars nästa år. Vinnarna löste som enda lag, sex ...

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  • Doktorshatt och installation i Stadshuset

    Published Nov 16, 2006

    Fredagen den 17 november är det dags för årets nyinstallerade professorer och nypromoverade doktorer att fylla Stockholms Stadshus. Antalet installandi är i år 37 och promovendi uppgår till 132.

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  • Tolv svenska lag till delfinal i programmerings-VM

    Published Nov 16, 2006

    Den 17–19 november samlas de bästa programmerarna bland norra Europas IT-studenter på KTH för att tävla i de Nordeuropeiska mästerskapen i datorprogrammering. Av de 42 lag som kvalificerat sig till tä...

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  • Science Café hos Stockholms Akademiska Forum

    Published Nov 16, 2006

    I morgon fredag 17 november är det dags för höstens tredje Science Café hos Stockholms Akademiska Forum i Kulturhuset. Denna gång utan KTH-medverkan men med ett spännande innehåll ändå.

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  • KTH inviger konstnärliga entréer

    Published Nov 14, 2006

    En konstnärlig gestaltning av KTHs entréer, Travelling North, invigs på torsdag 16 november. Arbetet har pågått under hösten och omfattar 12 entrémiljöer på Campus Valhallavägen.

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  • Maud Olofsson diskuterar svenskt näringsliv på KTH

    Published Nov 14, 2006

    I dag, tisdag 14 november, besöker näringsminister Maud Olofsson KTH för att diskutera hur Sveriges näringsliv ska utvecklas. Deltar i diskussionen gör också Henrik Blomgren från Kungl. Ingenjörsveten...

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