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  • KTH and China talk noise

    Published Oct 12, 2010

    Researchers from Europe and China will now get together to discuss the environmental problems associated with transport noise, a real scourge for the Western world. The reduction of transport noise to...

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  • How to minimise motion sickness

    Published Oct 11, 2010

    Do you suffer from motion sickness? Then you probably don’t like travelling on the X2000. At present, a research project at KTH is underway which will alleviate motion sickness on high-speed trains. ...

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  • Intelligent cars will produce safer drivers

    Published Oct 08, 2010

    New research at KTH shows that you can divide drivers into different groups through a system of measurement, those who are skilled and those who are not quite as skilled. This research may ultimately ...

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  • What Ballmer said when journalists had left

    Published Oct 05, 2010

    Microsofts CEO Steve Ballmer visited KTH yesterday, and told students, media and researchers that cloud computing is the future. He also spent some time answering the students tricky questions.

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  • Use the office environment to achieve success

    Published Sep 28, 2010

    A new doctoral thesis from KTH researcher Christina Bodin Danielsson demonstrates that the aesthetic dimension of an office is more important for the organisation and employees than previously thought...

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  • Her work is praised for innovation

    Published Sep 27, 2010

    Ten years ago, KTH researcher Hedvig Kjellström wrote a scientific article together with Michal Black and David Fleet which they then submitted to ECCV, one of three major conferences in computer vis...

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  • Selfless work rewarded with a million from KTH

    Published Sep 24, 2010

    He has been named one of the world's foremost thinkers and for 25 years he has striven to make all of the people in the world feel better and less sick. Hans Rosling - this year's winner of KTH's Majo...

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  • Steve Ballmer will soon be coming to KTH

    Published Sep 23, 2010

    On 4 October, Microsoft's charismatic managing director Steve Ballmer will be coming to KTH. In a speech to the students, he will talk about and show examples of new services, products, business model...

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  • This is what non-European students cost

    Published Sep 20, 2010

    “KTH can and should compare itself with the most distinguished international universities as regards quality and pricing. We are not interested in being a low-budget alternative”. This is what the Pre...

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  • The common sea mussel will protect us against rust

    Published Sep 17, 2010

    The costs for corrosion each year amount to approx. SEK 90 billion in Sweden, according to Korrosionsinstitutet. That figure is now expected to fall. A research team at KTH has observed an important c...

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  • Breakthrough in the fight against fish death

    Published Sep 16, 2010

    Each year 45.5 billion tonnes of fish throughout the world are cultivated; this has a value of EUR 41 billion. At least 10% of the fish, the equivalent of EUR 4.1 billion, die due to fungal-like paras...

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  • Cut costs with new sensor for asthmatics

    Published Sep 06, 2010

    In Sweden, approximately 700,000 people suffer from asthma and every year around 200 people die according to the Asthma and Allergy Association. Asthma can therefore be regarded as one of the major en...

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  • IT will solve tomorrow's energy problems

    Published Sep 01, 2010

    Reducing our electricity consumption which will lead to smarter storage and distribution of electricity are two major challenges we face. When the third meeting of the conference ICES begins on 2 Sep...

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  • This is how sharp your knife is

    Published Aug 31, 2010

    How much does it cost to cut? What impact does the sharpness of the knife have for the butcher, precision and quality. How sharp is a knife? These are questions which researchers at KTH are looking fo...

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  • KTH cooperates with Tokyo University

    Published Aug 27, 2010

    Education and research in the future imposes new and harder demands on universities throughout the world. In order to meet these demands, the prestigious Tokyo University has created a forum, which pr...

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  • Magnetic nanopaper shows the way for new forest products

    Published Aug 16, 2010

    Researchers at KTH, Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC) and SU have succeeded in creating magnetic nanoparticles in super-strong nanopaper. The new nanopaper is extremely light, strong and flexible...

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  • KTH research behind incredibly cheap fuel cell

    Published Jul 19, 2010

    Fuel cells are often quoted as being a replacement for the battery. They are environmentally friendly, quiet and can be recharged with new fuel when the power has been depleted. At the same time, the ...

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  • KTH’s super computer is the most powerful in Sweden

    Published Jul 07, 2010

    When KTH’s super computer centre PDC, switches on its new Cray-based super computer it will overtake all other Swedish company and university computer facilities.

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  • Sweden’s super lab is strengthened

    Published Jul 07, 2010

    The national cooperation between KTH, Uppsala University and Chalmers in the form of the clean-room network Myfab is to be upgraded and will become a national resource. This is something the Science C...

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  • The steel industry supports new professorship at KTH

    Published Jun 28, 2010

    KTH will be receiving almost SEK 2 million as a start-up grant for a new professorship in metallurgical process science. It is the Hugo Carlsson Foundation for Scientific Research, administered by Jer...

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