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  • Film and research converge at festival

    Published Apr 01, 2014

    Some of the most celebrated documentaries to explore environmental issues in recent years will be showcased at an international film festival April 9 to 12, arranged by KTH Royal Institute of Technolo...

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  • NASA probe will help reveal how sun and planets interact

    Professors Göran Marklund, left, and Tomas Karlsson. (Photo Håkan: Lindgren)
    Published Mar 31, 2014

    Beginning this year, NASA will launch four satellites equipped with technology from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The mission: to study the microphysics of magnetic reconnection, the fundamental ...

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  • Innovative student aid program taps grassroots support

    Published Mar 26, 2014

    Crowdfunding isn't just for bands and filmmakers anymore. A new student-run organisation in Sweden is supporting 21 Tanzanian university students while earning high marks for transparency.

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  • Omanis look to strengthen higher education at home

    The delegation led by Oman's minister of higher education with their KTH hosts.
    Published Mar 26, 2014

    Tuesday’s visit to KTH Royal Institute of Technology by Oman’s Ministry of Higher Education was somewhat of a study in contrasts. Seeking to build up its relatively-young public university system, off...

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  • Education seen as centre of innovation collaborations

    Margareta Norell Bergendahl at yesterday's PISI 2014 forum at KTH. (Photo: Adam af Ekenstam)
    Published Mar 20, 2014

    Closer external collaboration and development of competence were two of the themes recurring yesterday during the European Commission’s conference on the Entrepreneurial University, hosted by KTH Roya...

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  • Forum at KTH focuses on growth, innovation

    Published Mar 18, 2014

    Europe faces profound socio-economic, demographic, environmental and technological challenges, and higher education has a key role to play in meeting them. That role will be the focus of a two-day Eur...

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  • A winning attitude

    Peter Gudmundson, President of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, in the university library. (Photo:
    Published Mar 18, 2014

    In a time when being seen and heard is a priority for many, Peter Gudmundson is focused on performance and results.

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  • Rocking robot pays tribute to Robyn

    Published Mar 12, 2014

    When a team of mechatronics students built a robot dedicated to Robyn, they didn't expect the pop star to become personally involved. The dancing "Robyt" makes its world debut this week and earns prop...

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  • Trapped by avalanche – saved by an app

    Published Mar 05, 2014

    Save your friend who is buried in an avalanche while waiting for the rescue team to arrive. An app developed at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, makes it possible for skiers with smartphones to find...

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  • New centre to be hub for space research

    Published Feb 27, 2014

    Technologies for extreme conditions, rocket experiments and studies in space tourism. These are some of the activities in store for the new space centre that opens at KTH Royal Institute of Technology...

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  • Cities open up to traffic congestion charging

    Stockholm’s congestion charging program has gained greater public acceptance since it was implemented. (Photo: Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee)
    Published Feb 26, 2014

    Congestion zone charging is a proven technique for reducing traffic in crowded cities, but such proposals frequently meet with stiff public resistance. Recent studies at KTH Royal Institute of Technol...

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  • Four subjects ranked in the world’s top 50

    Published Feb 26, 2014

    Four subjects at KTH Royal Institute of Technology are ranked among the top 50 worldwide in the latest ratings by QS.

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  • Teaching development aims for open dialog

    Some of the teachers who helped develop the new concept (from left): Dan Borglund, Ulf Carlsson, Stefan Hallström and Mikael Nybacka. (Photo: Marc Femenia)
    Published Feb 25, 2014

    A new initiative at KTH Royal Institute of Technology aims for more individualized teacher development, by building on evaluations by their students.

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  • Lightning harnessed to protect grid components

    Published Feb 24, 2014

    The foes of power grids everywhere, lightning and other high voltage currents now can help utilities track the health of components throughout their systems.

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  • Platform would outwit cyber criminals

    Products with verifiable security claims will be more highly valued as mobility increases. (Photo: Frank Gärtner)
    Published Feb 24, 2014

    As smartphone use surges, consumers are just beginning to realise their devices are not quite as secure as they thought. A Swedish research team is working on a way to secure mobile operating systems ...

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  • Sandvik and KTH deepen, expand cooperation

    Sandvik CEO Olof Faxander and KTH President Peter Gudmundson at the signing of the strategic partnership agreement. (Photo: Jann Lipka)
    Published Feb 23, 2014

    KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Sandvik have deepened and broadened their cooperation through a recent strategic partnership agreement. The aim of the agreement is to achieve enhanced capacity f...

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  • Mathematician sees tie between knots and cyber security

    The directions for knot L-583, pictured, are written as "WTTWTWWUTWWWU" in the formal language of the Tie Knot Generator, created by KTH mathematician Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson. (Photo: Yi Qing/Creative Commons Attribution 2.0)
    Published Feb 19, 2014

    Bored with the Windsor knot? It turns out there are 177,147 alternatives for knotting a necktie, according to a formula created by a mathematician from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. What began as...

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  • Researcher helps characters get their lines right

    A still from a demonstration movie made with Plotagon, an animation app for desktop that uses speech technology from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. (Photo: courtesy of Plotagon)
    Published Feb 10, 2014

    A new movie-making app uses technology developed at KTH to literally put the words in the characters’ mouths.

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  • Deans Forum focuses on the future

    At the Deans Forum hosted by KTH Royal Institute of Technology, leaders from the world's top technical universities gathered to exchange ideas about meeting society's challenges in the future. (Photo: Håkan Lindgren)
    Published Feb 07, 2014

    How do we together create engineering that can meet the challenges of the future?

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  • KTH is 27th most international university worldwide

    Published Feb 04, 2014

    KTH’s international profile is among the strongest in the world of higher education, according to a prestigious ranking that was just released.

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