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  • Great Prize winner Tegmark reflects on life and technology

    Max Tegmark thinks humanity has great potential with technology, as long as we don't botch it. (Photo: Håkan Lindgren)
    Published Nov 18, 2015

    What is reality? It is a question perhaps too metaphysical to possibly answer. But to cosmologist Max Tegmark there are no oddities, only probabilities. In his search for answers, he decided that math...

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  • Swedish innovation in Silicon Valley spotlight

    The celebration starts after the winner of Swedish Pitch Night is announced at Spotify's San Francisco headquarters.
    Published Nov 16, 2015

    At Spotify's San Francisco headquarters, entrepreneurs from KTH got to present their startup ideas recently for a sold-out crowd and a jury of Silicon Valley investors.

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  • The Paris attacks

    Published Nov 14, 2015

    Due to the terrorist attacks in Paris November 13 KTH has today e-mailed KTH students in and from France as well as employees travelling in France that have booked their journey through the KTH travel...

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  • Africa is 'continent of the future'

    The continent of Africa offers many possibilities and challenges for engineers at KTH. (Image: TT/Scanpix)
    Published Oct 29, 2015

    Ebola, poverty and misery. The image of Africa is as perfunctory as it is misleading. Our perspective of the continent must be updated — not least for KTH's students and future engineers. "Africa's...

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  • Brazil's president suggests more collaboration with KTH during visit

    Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is joined by KTH President Peter Gudmundson in the Kollegiesalen. (Photo: Håkan Lindgren)
    Published Oct 21, 2015

    During her three-day state visit to Stockholm, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff visited KTH Royal Institute of Technology on Monday, getting a taste of current research projects and collaborations.

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  • Engineered protein prevents dementia in mice carrying Alzheimer's genes

    Published Oct 21, 2015

    A newly-developed protein has successfully prevented dementia from occurring in lab mice carrying human Alzheimer's genes, raising the possibility for development of new treatments for the disease. ...

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  • Study reveals a key role your gut bacteria play in body's self-defense

    A diagram illustrates the relationship between the mouse's gut bacteria and the regulation of glutathione in the liver and colon.
    Published Oct 20, 2015

    Chalk up another reason why your gut bacteria are so critical to your health—and why these microorganisms could be the key to staying healthy. A new study reveals that human intestinal flora regulate ...

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  • Cashless future for Sweden?

    Swedish consumers' embrace of Swish is one reason the country is moving toward a cashless society, says KTH researcher Niklas Arvidsson. (Photo: PetraD)
    Published Oct 14, 2015

    Sweden is on track to becoming the world's first cashless society, thanks to the country's embrace of IT, as well as a crackdown on organized crime and terror, according to a study from Stockholm's KT...

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  • New method for dynamic, stable skyrmions is developed

    The vector field of two, two-dimensional magnetic skyrmions. (Image: Karin Everschor-Sitte and Matthias Sitte (The Authors) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)
    Published Oct 13, 2015

    A KTH researcher is part of an international team that has unlocked the secret to creating stable dynamic skyrmions – the nanoscale magnetic whirls that promise to meet our insatiable appetite for dat...

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  • Physics prize both expected, and unexpected

    This year's Nobel Laureates have shown that neutrinos change identities, a transfiguration that requires them to have mass. The illustration depicts a neutrino split between identities - tau, electron or muon neutrino. (Johan Jane City / KVA)
    Published Oct 07, 2015

    Particle physicists at KTH had nearly given up hope that the discovery of mass within the universe's smallest components, neutrinos, would be recognized with a Nobel Prize.

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  • Nobel highlights underfunded fight against malaria

    Published Oct 06, 2015

    Millions suffer from malaria, but relatively little is done to develop effective medications. That's why this year's Nobel Prize in Medicine is so encouraging, says KTH Professor Peter Nilsson.

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  • Career advice from a space pioneer

    Nishita Vegi, a master's student in Aerospace Engineering, interviews her hero, astronaut Anna Fisher. (Photo: Adam af Ekenstam)
    Published Sep 28, 2015

    Nearly 31 years ago, Anna Fisher sat inside the space shuttle Discovery on its way into space. Last week, she sat at the KTH library and shared her experiences in space work for master's student Nishi...

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  • Tech Talks previews Inspired by Space conference

    Published Sep 18, 2015
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  • Why 100 astronauts are coming to KTH

    Christer Fuglesang with Stephen Hawking at last month's Hawking Radiation Conference at KTH.
    Published Sep 18, 2015

    There might not be an astronaut wedding this year, but the annual Association of Space Explorers XXVIII Planetary Congress at KTH Royal Institute of Technology will nevertheless be something truly un...

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  • Probes pick up where space exploration leaves off

    The MMS spacecraft orbiting around Earth carry probes designed and engineered at KTH for measuring plasma in Earth's magnetosphere. The data will explain the process by which particles are accelerated along magnetic fields throughout the universe. (Image: NASA)
    Published Sep 15, 2015

    Inside a small suite of offices at the department of Plasma Physics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, researchers are picking up where space exploration leaves off. The object of their work is to ...

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  • Space films nurture research

    Matt Damon in a scene from The Martian, one of many films in which space scientists from NASA acted as scientific advisers. (Photo: TT/Aidan Monaghan)
    Published Sep 15, 2015

    Both science fiction and space research seeks answers to the big questions. However, scientists seem to have much greater confidence in the future than filmmakers.

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  • KTH develops electronics to withstand Venus' harsh climate

    Vehicles landing on Venus require strong materials.
    Published Sep 15, 2015

    In the research project, Working on Venus, KTH researchers are developing electronics for a space mission to collect data from the second planet from the sun. The electronics are based on silicon carb...

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  • What happens to the body in space?

    Environmental physiology observations are often made on subjects in extreme situations such as diving or flying, says Ola Eikens, pictured here in a simulator. (Photo: Håkan Lindgren)
    Published Sep 15, 2015

    How does prolonged bed rest or weightlessness affect your body? Professor Ola Eikens research team is studying the effects of life in space on circulation, muscles and metabolism.

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  • Moon tours and hotels in orbit — space travel's future takes off

    Trips to the moon and more could be the future of tourism. (Photo: NASA)
    Published Sep 15, 2015

    In 20 years you'll be able to check into a motel on the Moon. Or why not take a flying tour around the Moon?

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  • KTH is ranked among world's top 100 universities

    The graph shows KTH's positive development in recent years. (Illustration: Per-Anders Östling)
    Published Sep 15, 2015

    KTH Royal Institute of Technology is the 92nd best university in the world, according to the QS World University Rankings released today. The latest ranking represents an advancement of 18 places for ...

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