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Prestigious research grant for KTH professor

Published Feb 04, 2010

In tough competition with 1,583 other research projects, Ann-Christine Albertsson, professor of polymer technology at KTH succeeded in receiving funding for research on polymer materials. In total there will be approximately SEK 25 million spread over the next five years, funding which will come from the European Research Council.

Ann-Christine Albertsson
Ann-Christine Albertsson, professor of polymer technology at KTH.

Ann-Christine Albertsson asserts that it is great fun, and relates that her work will deal with research on new ways of building degradable materials in order to obtain total control of the degradation process.

“With nature as our model, we will create material from a molecular level step-by-step to produce a functioning whole,” says Ann-Christine Albertsson.

Degradable materials are of current interest for example for tissue regeneration and the idea is to develop a system that works like nature itself, i.e. the artificial tissue will be replaced by the body’s own tissue at the correct pace and generate acceptable degradable products.

“Degradable material is also of current interest for packaging materials. Even here it is important that the degradation process functions in a predetermined manner and provides the desirable interaction with the environment,” says Ann-Christine Albertsson.

The object is to produce a new generation of degradable polymer materials which do not have the traditional problems that materials have, for example, the formation of fragments instead of environmentally friendly degradation products.

For more information, contact Ann-Christine Albertsson at or ring 08 - 790 82 74.

Peter Larsson

Belongs to: About KTH
Last changed: Feb 04, 2010