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Mathematical power package from KTH

Published Apr 20, 2009

GMP, a mathematical programme that leads the world within its field, is to be released in a new version from KTH. GMP is used in programs for data security and for mathematical research

The person who bears principal responsibility for the new version is Torbjörn Granlund, doctoral student at CIAM, the Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics at KTH. He also developed the original program that was first released in 1991.

“There will probably be a stampede for the new GMP version which will be rolled out on servers around the world for free downloading, probably on Friday. The new version achieves considerably enhanced performance as compared to the previous one,” he says.

GMP is a mathematical program which has been disseminated extremely widely in both the academic and the industrial worlds. GMP is a real power package with 350 different functions. One computer can process billions of figures with the help of this program which is now being released in Version 4.3.

GMP has always been the performance leader within its field, and this new release will increase its lead even more. Improvements are found in two areas – careful adaptation to modern computer processors, so that they can be utilised at a practically optimal level, and improved mathematical algorithms.

“The use of more efficient algorithms means that there is much better performance with really large numbers, and the optimisation of the existing program code double performance ability in many cases, even for smaller numbers,” states Torbjörn Granlund.

GMP, which stands for GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library, possesses several characteristics that have made it very popular among the world’s mathematicians. Primarily they appreciate its high performance level. Applications within this area are often extremely time-consuming and the arithmetic, which is carried out by GMP, often forms a major part of the program running time.

Free download of GMP via website

Christer Gummeson

Belongs to: About KTH
Last changed: Apr 20, 2009