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KTH, Tsinghua Launch C-Campus Virtual Learning Collaboration


Published Sep 12, 2012

The Royal Institute of Technology and Tsinghua University have jointly committed to building a novel online learning environment for students and researchers in Sweden and China. At ceremonies in Beijing on Sept 12, officials described the ambitious collaboration — known as C-Campus — as a substantial expansion of the two universities’ nearly 10-year-old relationship.

Hands across the world: C-Campus@Tsinghua-KTH is inaugurated by (from left) Prof. Si Yuan, Vice President, Tsinghua University; Xu Yongji, Deputy Director-General, Chinese Ministry of Education, Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges; Lars Freden, Swedish Ambassador to China; Ewa Björling, Swedish Minister for Trade; Prof Ramon Wyss, Vice President for International Affairs, KTH; Prof. Yi Zhang, Vice Provost, Director of International Office, Tsinghua University.

Noting that the Internet and cloud computing are already having enormous impacts for individuals and economies all over the world — with rapid developments in communication services and new devices such as smart phones and tablets — KTH Vice President for International Affairs Ramon Wyss welcomed the new “C-Campus@Tsinghua-KTH” project together with Vice President Si Yuan of Tsinghua.

“This agreement marks a new phase in an important strategic partnership,” Professor Wyss said. “Our two universities are today setting out to design powerful new technology platforms that will bring the best education to students in both China and Sweden.”

C-Campus envisions a toolbox of virtual instruments and physical assets that will open up new possibilities for distance learning and collaboration among researchers while helping to bridge cultural barriers. At the same time, the C-Campus platform will itself be subject to experimentation and research in pedagogical methodologies. Fields of special focus include energy, materials, vehicles, ICT, transportation and urban planning.

With a history of student exchanges dating back to 2003, KTH and Tsinghua officials say expanding the relationship with the C-Campus project will leverage their combined strengths to take a leading global role in training the engineers of the future. KTH is Sweden's leading technical university, while Tsinghua ranks in the very top tier of China’s university system

“The emerging new world of cloud-based learning will challenge traditional educational methods,” Professor Wyss said. “To remain leaders, we must cultivate strong partnerships, and this agreement is central to that strategy for KTH.”

C-Campus also aims to support the partners’ pursuit of research grants from the European Union, the governments of China and Sweden, and corporations.

The new agreement appoints KTH Prof. Johan Thorbiörnson and Tsinghua Prof. Li Yuhong as co-directors of C-Campus.

C-Campus@Tsinghua-KTH: KTH President Peter Gudmundson

By Kevin Billinghurst |