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KTH Professor involved in European air traffic project

– EU project aimed at managing a threefold increase in air traffic

Published Aug 28, 2009

The SESAR EU project has been tasked to build up a technical platform which will be able to manage three times as much air traffic as there is today. In addition, flight security is to be improved by a factor of ten and the impact of air travel on the environment is to be reduced by 10 percent. SESAR has now formed a scientific committee consisting of twelve top European researchers including Lena Mårtensson, Professor of Work Science at KTH.

This scientific committee is to provide advice for SESAR’s CEO Patrick Ky. Professor Lena Mårtensson is responsible for issues concerning human factors.

“At SESAR we endeavour to apply an innovative approach and the inputs we receive from the scientific committee with its twelve eminent researchers will stimulate us to think outside the box,” says Patrick Ky, CEO of SESAR.

SESAR has been established by the EU, Eurocontrol and the entire aero industry of Europe and has a budget of EUR 2.1 billion for the period 2009-2013.

More information at SESAR’s website

Håkan Soold

Belongs to: About KTH
Last changed: Aug 28, 2009