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Electrum shares multi-million grant

Published Mar 04, 2008

The Swedish network for nano and micro fabrication, MyFab, has been awarded a grant of MSEK 75 by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. This network includes the Electrum Laboratory at KTH.

MyFab gathers together resources for nano and micro fabrication into three leading university laboratories in Sweden: the Electrum Laboratory at KTH, the Micro Structure Laboratory, Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University and the Nanofabrication Laboratory at MC2 at Chalmers University of Technology.

“The goal of becoming a national resource has come one step closer.” says Thomas Swahn at Chalmers Industrial Engineering Department who is the Director of MyFab. "The inputs we are now planning include investments in the best current technology available.”

MyFab was founded in 2004. It offers a broad platform of processing and analysis resources for the electronics, sensors and material of the future. Applications can be found within medical technology, security, the environment and telecom and it is open to Swedish and international researchers. The network acts as a common entrance to which all users can bring their needs and be guided onwards towards suitable, available equipment.

Christer Gummeson

Belongs to: About KTH
Last changed: Mar 04, 2008