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KTH News

  • Efficient heat exchanger ready for testing

    Computer drawing of the heat exchanger.
    The aluminum prototype filled with phase change material has both high energy density and high power.
    Published Jun 07, 2023

    A 3D-printed heat exchanger in aluminum filled with phase change material – that is what Professor Viktoria Martin and colleagues from KTH have experimented within a laboratory environment. The result...

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  • KTH among top 50 universities in global sustainability ranking

    Aerial view of a large brick building at the KTH Campus.
    Photo: Jann Lipka.
    Published Jun 01, 2023

    KTH drops five places on the latest Times Higher Education Impact Ranking, but the result is still satisfying, considering the increasing number of universities participating. “We continue to identify...

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  • Resistance to noise threats new types of drones

    A personal drone flying over a city in sunset.
    It may sound exciting to have personal drones over our cities, but when it comes down to it, people are not so willing to change their immediate surroundings. Photo: Joby Aviations
    Published May 31, 2023

    Flying cars above the Globe Arena and drones for cargo transport taking off and landing from Stockholm rooftops. Is this a realistic future scenario, and how do we get there? One thing that threatens ...

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  • Full day on solar energy inspires new research collaborations

    A woman and a man standing before an audience.
    In May, KTH's researchers gathered for a seminar on solar energy. Photo: Pierre Bodin
    Published May 31, 2023

    In the beginning of May, the Energy Platform arranged a seminar to lay the foundations for greater collaboration in solar energy at KTH.

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  • Fresh vegetables all year round through farming in water

    Michael Martin in front of plants in a greenhouse
    Light and sensor technology means vegetables can grow quickly and thrive in water, even where there are no windows. The crops obtain their energy from LED lighting instead of sunlight. “Our main challenge is making the growing process itself as energy efficient as possible,” says researcher Michael Martin, Professor of Sustainable Production at KTH.
    Published May 30, 2023

    Water-based, or hydroponic, technology for indoor farming means that more and more retailers, restaurants and households are choosing to grow their own fresh vegetables. “Developing indoor farming of...

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  • KTH Energy Platform in energy dialogues during Almedalen 2023

    Published May 30, 2023

    KTH participates in Almedalen 2023 talks and dialogues on the energy issue through, among others, the KTH Energy Platform Director Lina Bertling Tjernberg.

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  • Research in focus as KTH research platforms share the stage at IVA 

    Two women and two men standing in front of a screen on a podium.
    KTH’s Materials and Energy research platforms got together to discuss the challenges of a sustainable energy transition. Photo: Fredrik Persson
    Published May 29, 2023

    In May, KTH’s Materials and Energy research platforms got together to discuss the challenges of a sustainable energy transition. Together with the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), ...

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  • First steps taken towards establishing a KTH Fusion Centre

    Fusion energy flows through a tokamak fusion reactor.
    Fusion energy flows through a tokamak fusion reactor. Photo: Istock
    Published May 29, 2023

    A new research centre is being planned at KTH, which will focus on attracting and supporting Swedish fusion research. The KTH Fusion Centre has an interdisciplinary remit to bring together material re...

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  • The underwater robots ready to take on society’s challenges

    The SMaRC project addresses three central issues: ocean production, environmental sensing and safeguarding society
    Published May 29, 2023

    SMaRC (Swedish Maritime Robotics Centre), an initiative that numbers KTH among its many collaborators, unveils the potential of autonomous underwater robots to solve several of today’s societal challe...

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  • Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai visits KTH

    two persons in front of an audience
    Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai visited KTH and talked about artificial intelligence. He said that it’s ok to have fears if they are used for something sensible. Photo: Fredrik Persson.
    Published May 26, 2023

    During his first trip to Sweden, the CEO of Google also visited KTH. On the agenda were meeting with KTH personnel and students and a conversation about the biggest technological talking point of the ...

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  • Gene therapy drugs research project on IVA 100 list of 2023

    Published May 12, 2023

    A research project about gene therapy drugs, "GeneNova - botande behandlingar till fler", led by KTH Professor Johan Rockberg and his research team, has been listed on the Royal Swedish Academy of Eng...

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  • Recovering of lost energy research project on IVA 100 list of 2023

    Published May 10, 2023

    The research project "Recovering the Lost Energy", run by KTH Energy Platform Deputy Director Christophe Duwigs with colleagues, has been listed on the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences IV...

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  • Major drive for green steel

    Steel flowers
    Image by DALL-E.
    Published May 04, 2023

    In a project designed to help the steel industry transition to a climate-neutral production, KTH and Luleå University of Technology will share over 41 million SEK from EU and Tillväxtverket. The focus...

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  • A new ShiftLabs node is starting in Södertälje

    Map of Sweden with circles around the four node locations.
    ShiftLabs' four nodes are in Gothenburg, Skövde, Mälardalen and the Stockholm region.
    Published May 02, 2023

    Small and medium-sized businesses will receive help with digitalisation from KTH Leancentrum and Södertälje Science Park. As part of the innovation hub ShiftLabs, their mission is to provide companies...

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  • Studying traffic flows in Kista to reduce emissions

    Kista. Photo: City of Stockholm.
    Published May 02, 2023

    To better understand emissions from traffic, researchers will use big data and AI to study traffic flows in Kista. The hope is to create transport solutions that generate lower emissions and reduce th...

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  • The Ocean – a contemporary history

    A yellow sea cucumber on the seabed
    A "gummy squirrel" sea cucumber, Psychropotes longicauda, living at a depth of 5,000 meters. Image courtesy of the DeepCCZ expedition/NOAA
    Published May 02, 2023

    Tirza Meyer is a contemporary historian and a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Philosophy and History, who has come to devote her work to the ocean. After studying how the United Nations C...

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  • Great interest in KTH in Rwanda

    “Rwanda has a young population that wants to do a lot,” says Sebastiaan Meijer, who participated in KTH's delegation together with Peter Nilsson and Gunaratna Kuttuva Rajarao.
    Published Apr 28, 2023

    At the end of March, a delegation from KTH led by the President, visited several higher education institutions in Rwanda, including the University of Rwanda in Kigali. From the CBH school, Professor P...

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  • Laumert new director at Centrum för Ny Energiteknik (CNETO)

    Björn Laumert in KTH Library
    Published Apr 27, 2023

    Björn Laumert, head of the Department of Energy Technology, is new director at the Centrum för Ny Energiteknik (CNETO) in Oskarshamn. CNETO is a collaboration platform between the public sector, acade...

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  • KTH Energy Platform spoke at conference on EU future energy supply

    Published Apr 26, 2023

    The KTH Energy Platform attended and spoke at the conference “Challenges and opportunities for the EU's future energy supply” organised by the Riksdag Committee on Industry and Trade held in the Riksd...

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  • AI to help Stockholmers with their energy use

    Inner courtyard in Norra Djurgårdsstaden, Stockholm. Photo: City of Stockholm
    Inner courtyard in Norra Djurgårdsstaden, Stockholm. Photo: City of Stockholm
    Published Apr 25, 2023

    New technology to be developed by KTH can help residents and property owners becoming more climate smart.

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