KTH Transformation Day 2023 gathers forces in circular economy
KTH Industrial Transformation Platform and the KTH Circular Economy initiative are now shaping the program for this year's Transformation Day on 19 October. The idea is that KTH researchers and students interested in Circular Economy, together with industry, companies, and organisations, should be able to meet to jointly identify and discuss the need for change, new knowledge, research, education, and innovation.
Industry transforms – towards circular economy - is the theme. The focus is on Circular Economy (CE) and how CE can contribute to the UN Sustainability Goals, which entail many scientific and organisational challenges and the need for educational initiatives on education, research and innovation.
“We are happy to announce that the CE initiative at KTH joins KTH Industrial Transformation Platform to boost the initiative across KTH further. We jointly organise the Transformation Day on 19 October, an activity where we invite industry, small and large companies, and organisations with an ambitious CE strategy as well as companies with a need to learn from others," says Amir Rashid, professor at the Department of Production Engineering, ITM-school, and coordinator of the CE initiative.
The is carried out annually by KTH Transformation Platform. The platform's objective is to bring together all KTH researchers who, in various ways, support the industry's transition to a sustainable, CO2-neutral business with strengthened competitiveness. The platform also finances several smaller power-pooling projects, initiatives, and engagements that aim to gather expertise at KTH in sustainable transformation.
“Sweden faces major challenges in developing sustainable energy systems, manufacturing, and necessary business models. KTH has expertise in these areas, spread throughout KTH. We need to get together to explore what needs to be done, what can be done, and what is being done,” says Martin Edin Grimheden, deputy director of .
Text: Helena Mayer