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Icarus Digital Math

Icarus Digital Math has solved the grand challenge of aerodynamics simulation, making it possible for the first time to simulate/predict stall (when wings lose lift) together with the general properties of airplanes, cars, turbines and drones, which gives safer and more efficient vehicles and machines.

Icarus Digital Math's customers are at the highest echelon of the aerodynamics industry. Their solution gives ten times faster and cheaper performance than global competitors, and has been highlighted by NASA as a significant improvement on the current state of the art.

Icarus Digital Math's unified math and programming pedagogical concept also creates motivation and learning for the engineers and innovators of today's digital society. Their Digital Math FEniCS framework automates solution of mathematical models in an easy web interface and is Open Source and available in online course MOOC-HPFEM, the largest MOOC at KTH, with 10000+ participants.

Team: Johan Jansson, Tamara Dancheva, Massimiliano Leoni, Ezhilmathi Krishnasamy & Claes Johnson

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