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Welcome to Stockholm Trio webinar Friday 28 May

Good Research Practice from Different Perspectives

Published Apr 28, 2021

Research ethics involves much more than what is covered in ethical reviews and legal frameworks. In this seminar, different aspects of ethics in research will be discussed, including values in science, researchers as experts, academic authorship, and ethical issues as conceived by PhD students will be discussed.

Venue: Zoom webinar. Please register to Stockholm Trio webinar to receive a link to the event.

Moderator: Sara Belfrage, Stockholm University


Welcome address
Sigbritt Karlsson, President, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Values in Science
Erik Angner, Stockholm University

Experts in a Democracy
Åsa Wikforss, Stockholm University

Academic Authorship
Gert Helgesson, Karolinska Institutet

Research ethical themes for Ph.D. students at a technical university in Sweden
Per Wikman-Svahn, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

General discussion
Erik Angner, Åsa Wikforss, Gert Helgesson and Per Wikman-Svahn

Concluding remarks
Sebastian Ols, Karolinska Institutet

About the speakers

Sigbritt Karlsson
 is the President of KTH Royal Institute of Technology since 2016. She was previously the President of the University of Skövde, and is also professor of polymer technology targeting the polymeric materials technical environment.

Erik Angner is professor of practical philosophy at Stockholm University. He has a background in economics as well as in history and philosophy of science, and teaches research ethics to PhD students across the humanities and social sciences.

Åsa Wikforss is a professor of theoretical philosophy at Stockholm University. She is the author of a popular book on knowledge resistance, and is a member of the Royal Academy of Science and the Swedish Academy.

Gert Helgesson is a professor in medical ethics and teaches research ethics at Karolinska Institutet. He has written extensively on matters concerning publication ethics, and is one of the authors of the book Publiceringsetik in Swedish.

Per Wikman-Svahn is a researcher at the Division of Philosophy at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. His research focuses on philosophical aspects of risk and uncertainty management and he teaches research ethics to PhD students at KTH.

Sebastian Ols is a PhD student at Karolinska Institutet. His research concerns vaccines and the immune responses they elicit with a broad aim of informing rational vaccine design. He is the chairperson of the Doctoral Students’ Association of Medicinska Föreningen at KI and is engaged in communicating the science of vaccines to the public since the coronavirus vaccine rollout began.

About Stockholm Trio

The University Alliance Stockholm Trio forms a dynamic academic environment that promotes the interaction between different disciplines and raises the quality of the international research and educational environment that the three universities –Karolinska Institutet, KTH and Stockholm University – form in the capital of Sweden.

About the webinar
Contact Marianne Loor, KTH Research Support Office,
A link to the webinar will be sent a few days prior to the event.