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Current projects and news from Dept. of Learning in Engineering Sciences

  • The pandemic gave House of Science new ideas

    Published Jun 02, 2021

    After the summer, The House of Science will re-open for school classes. But the digital activities during the pandemic have provided new lessons for the staff, and they have new ideas waiting to be de...

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  • Three new publications from HEOS

    Published May 19, 2021
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  • Schools supported by KTH research

    Black board with simple mathematic formulas.
    Photo: Chuk Yong from Pixabay
    Published Apr 28, 2021

    Three Stockholm municipalities have been given the chance to both contribute to and take part in research that KTH's teacher students do in their degree projects. The "KULF" project at the Department ...

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  • Webinars arouse research interest

    Hand holding a light bulb, and a test tube with liquid.
    Poto: Louis Reed and ThisisEngineering, Stockholms universitet.
    Published Mar 02, 2021

    The House of Science wants to inspire high school students to choose educations in science, technology, and mathematics. In their popular webinars, researchers from KTH and Stockholm University talk a...

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  • K-ULF Teachers and researchers collaborate for a strong research project together.

    Published Feb 23, 2021

    The main purpose of the Compensatory Teaching for Learning and Research Project [K-ULF] is to increase research in collaboration between higher education institutions and local municipalities.

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  • ATS - Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM

    Published Feb 18, 2021

    Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is an innovative project implemented in eight EU countries and involving a partner network of 12 educational...

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  • Great efforts! From the Advanced Service Design students

    Published Feb 08, 2021

    The students had an unusual task in their course from us at The department of Learning.

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  • Communication course clarifies the benefits of your research

    Graphic illustration: megaphone
    Published Dec 22, 2020

    More and more researchers understand the importance of being able to communicate their research to the surrounding society. With the course Communicating Research Beyond the Academy, doctoral students...

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  • Informing designs for learning when shifting to digital

    Published Nov 26, 2020

    My best advice to teachers that shift to digital during these Covid times, is to take a moment and look into 'what is known', and to continuously reflect on and evaluate your teaching practice.

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  • PhD position Engineering Education Policy and Management open

    Published Nov 16, 2020
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  • “Teachers must lead the digitization"

    White social robot with ipad in its hand.
    Photo: Alex Knight on Unsplash
    Published Oct 07, 2020

    After months of pandemic most of us have embraced digital tools - especially teachers who have been forced to take on remote teaching. But where does the digital push forward lead to when it comes to ...

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  • TeaEdu4CT project - Computational thinking

    Published Sep 30, 2020

    The aim of the project is to develop innovative educational approaches to practical STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) education that are based on Computational Thinking (CT).

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  • Unite! A European engineering campus

    UNITE logo
    Published Sep 25, 2020

    As part of an education and research initiative, the EU Commission is financing a consortium of distinguished universities with a technical focus. KTH Department of Learning in Engineering Sciences is...

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  • Stefan Hrastinski about learning at a distance

    Published Sep 17, 2020
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  • New book about technical universities

    Published Sep 02, 2020
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  • Dissertation on Professional Support Staff at Higher Education Institutions: Navigating Ambiguities

    Published Aug 31, 2020

    On 28th August Malin Ryttberg defended her doctoral dissertation. Professional Support Staff at Higher Education Institutions: Navigating Ambiguities in Hybrid Roles

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  • The language café provides security and courage to speak Swedish

    A computerscreen showing lots of faces. Beside the computer there is a cup of coffee.
    This autumn's language cafés are taking place in Zoom due to the prevailing pandemic. Photo: Chris Montgomery, Unsplash
    Published Aug 27, 2020

    September will see the restart of KTH’s language café via Zoom. “All participants help one another and the sense of unity is incredible – we have a great time together,” says Eva Lövstedt Panova, a f...

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  • “Learning glass” a boost for video lectures

    Frida Svelander teaches mathematics and records a video using learning glass. Photo: Amir Mehdi Rezaei
    Published Aug 14, 2020

    In a studio at KTH, a team is elaborating video recordings where the speaker make notes on a glass screen. With an air of magic, "Learning glass" lifts distance education to new heights.

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  • Humanists most critical of performance measurement

    Published Aug 14, 2020

    Johan Söderlind and Lars Geschwind have published the article Disciplinary Differences in Academics ’Perceptions of Performance Measurement at Nordic Universities.

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  • Evaluation of the title Excellent teacher at SLU

    Published Aug 14, 2020

    Lars Geschwind and Kristina Edström have, on behalf of SLU's president, made an evaluation of the title Excellent teacher, which was introduced at the university in 2014.

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