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  • Car brakes just as big an environmental problem as studded tyres

    Published May 25, 2010

    You have just removed your winter studded tyres. It is too early for you to breathe out, that is if you live in an urban environment. Research at KTH is able to show that the particles a vehicle's bra...

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  • Hammarby Sjöstad influences Norra Djurgårdsstaden

    Published May 20, 2010

    The inaugural ceremony for the residential properties in Norra Djurgårdsstaden is planned for the summer 2010 with people moving in by 2012. Sofie Pandis Iverot, doctoral student at Industrial Ecology...

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  • KTH student, this year’s leading top talent

    Published Mar 16, 2010

    For the eighth year in a row, the talent network Nova 100 has elected the person they consider to be the country’s leading top talent. This year, she is called Claudia Olsson and will receive the awar...

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  • Fists of steel

    Published Jan 26, 2010

    Five percent of all people between the ages of 16 and 85 suffer from a weakened grip, and therefore have difficulties turning a tap, turning the key in a lock or carrying out other day-to-day tasks. H...

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  • Communication breakdowns cost

    Published Jan 20, 2010

    Failing communication and deficiencies in the handling of information costs manufacturing companies large sums of money every year. Now researchers at KTH have analysed the situation and developed eco...

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  • Easier to find oil

    Published Sep 07, 2009

    Researchers at KTH have been able to prove that the fossils of animals and plants are not necessary to generate raw oil and natural gas. This result is extremely radical as it means that it will be mu...

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