INDEK-researchers lead a panel on AI and labor management at a top management conference in USA
Emma Rui Lu (of INDEK and MMK) and Mats Engwall (INDEK) led a panel symposium on AI technology and labor management at the biggest conference for management research on August 13 – the Academy of Management Conference (AOM) in Chicago, USA.
The panelists discussed how companies should adopt AI Technology to encourage employee engagement in the workforce.
It was a multidisciplinary and multinational panel of scholars from innovation, strategy and management from Sweden, Finland and USA.
Apart from Emma Rui Lu and Mats Engwall, the panel included Mats Magnusson (KTH/MMK), Katerina Bezrukova (U. at Buffalo), Paavo Ritala (LUT Business School), and Sebastian Krakowski (Stockholm School of Economics).