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Thermal energy storage applications

In this Docent lecture Justin NW Chiu will give a brief overview of thermal energy storage applications. He will, for instance, go into energy use reduction in the built environment and GHG emission mitigation through peak shaving.

Time: Fri 2022-09-09 13.00 - 14.00

Location: M235, Brinellvägen 68

Language: English

Participating: Justin NW Chiu


Justin Chiu
Justin Chiu associate professor

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Energy and environmental concerns have gained increasing attention, sets of energy targets have been established with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 2050 Energy Road Map. They involve predominantly reduction in GHG emission, improvement in energy efficiency and increase in renewable energy shares while maintaining the standard of living for current and future generations. A generational goal has been defined as “major environmental problems (will) have been solved without increasing environmental and health problems outside the borders”. The 2040 target for Sweden is to reduce GHG emissions by 75% as compared to 1990. Energy technologies are already relatively mature, however the implementation challenges lie with the lack of coordinated measures and infrastructures for intermittent energy source harvest, here energy storage is one of the solutions.

In this seminar, a brief overview on thermal energy storage applications will be given on 1. energy use reduction in the built environment with utilization of surplus energy and increase in end use efficiency; 2. GHG emission mitigation through peak shaving and replacement of marginal fossil fuel based heat generation means by renewables through use of energy storage technologies; and 3. increase in overall shares of renewable energy sources with adequate means of intermittent energy source integration to the grid and to the district heating/cooling network.

Belongs to: School of Industrial Engineering and Management
Last changed: Aug 30, 2022