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Ongoing research projects

Our research projects are interdisciplinary and span several departments at the ITM school. Collaboration and a holistic perspective are integrated into the research process.

A Platform for Real-time Process Control using Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning

A digital platform to be implemented particularly at small and medium sized companies where transformation to digitalization and use of the state-of-the-art machine learning benefits are difficult to realize due to lack of skilled personal.

AI and Industrial Transformation

The project aims to explore how the ongoing technology shift to artificial intelligence (AI) might trigger a profound transformation of the technology-based industry in Sweden.

Additive manufacturing

Research and education on additive manufacturing, with the the aim of enhancing the energy saving, reducing the waste and increasing the functionality of components.

Application of Blockchain Technology for ISA95-Compliant Traditional and Smart Manufacturing Systems

The project focus is to develop a comprehensive blockchain reference system architecture description for ISA95-CTS and SMMS activity, and to validate the applicability of such architecture.

Artificially Intelligent Robotic Systems enabled by Additive Manufacturing for Human-Centered Interdisciplinary Applications

Combining additive manufacturing, sensorial and actuation components, with applied artificial intelligence (AI) this projects aims to address the challenges that arise in different environments with robot systems targeting human-centered applications.

Assessing sustainability-related performance of industrial firms: the promise of ESG data

The project explores the usefulness of data from Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) indicators. For this purpose it appends traditional financial indicators to a substantial database of assessment of thousands of firms.

Assessment of the impact of video aid in assembly operations measured with learning curves

The aim of the project is to formulate a system of experiments that can control a wider set of variables than previous systems. Including different training modalities.

CPS and IoT applications for Sustainable Production Logistics

A framework combining DT-based services and IoT for the real-time location and optimization of material handling is proposed, in order to analyze the combined use of digital services and IoT for sustainable production logistics.

Circular Economy Research Workshops for PhD Students

Workshops aimed at PhD students to enhance their research portfolio in The Circular Economy, and give them training on how to review research papers/proposals as well as how to receive and provide critical feedback.

Cooperative explorative research on energy systems in the marine sector

A systems perspective on how small companies and port authorities can meet the need of cleaner shipping and manage the rapid technology and policy changes.

Design of a blockchain-based collaborative framework for resource sharing

This study explores the design of a blockchain-based collaborative framework for resource sharing using smart contracts.

Designing and production of sustainable hybrid energy storage system

This project focuses on fundamental studies of hybrid energy storage by using cheap non-toxic metals and biomass derived carbon as electrodes in presence of aqueous electrolytes.

Development of new material process parameters through electron beam melting

Enabling the industry to use AM methods to save waste and seek for the new possibilities, by developing and optimizing new machine-related material process parameters through electron beam melting (EBM).

Digital models of machine tool for in-process tolerance assessment

The project aims to identify the requirements for design and implementation of machine tool digital models for in-process part tolerancing, and investigate what support the digital machine tool models can offer for proving conformity with product specifications.


By studying the thermal stresses and strains formed during the EBM process, this project aims to improve the geometrical freedom and accuracy of 3D printing to allow advanced heat exchangers and other relevant components.


Developing a simulation methodology for agile electric drivetrain development, supporting the Industrialisation of surface treatment for gears.

Electrified Transportation Stockholm Syd

Studies and workhops with stakeholders to explore the business models, ecosystems and dataflows that are required for electrified transportation of the future.

Enabling Circular Economy-based Climate-compatible futures: benchmarking, evaluating and monitoring for impact

Understanding determinants of endogenous and directed transformation toward the circular economy model, in order to make it compatible with the SDG:s, and accepted by industrial and public actors.

GIMLE - Digitalized collaboration for competitive and sustainable product realization

A project focusing on developing an assembly specific model-based definition representation by using a categorization encompassing all levels of the assembly domain, beyond physical attributes, in order to provide a digital product definition.

Life Cycle Assessment Framework for complex Industrial Machinery

The project consists of a framework to assess the environmental impacts of complex industrial machinery using a simplified Life Cycle Assessment method, and a case study to demonstrate the utility of the framework.

Modelling and Simulation (M&S) of stakeholders’ interactions in Circular Manufacturing Systems (CMS)

This research is about modelling the behaviour of the value chain actors and their implications, for a systems approach implementation of Circular Manufacturing Systems.

NEAR - towN to gatE sustAinable tRansport

An in-depth study with the focus on logistics processes involving passengers moving from town to airport gates and vice versa, in order to examine whether a more efficient town to gate railway system may improve the modal shift to railways.

Novel Mechatronic Systems and Soft Robotics enabled by 4D Printing and Machine Learning

The project aims to improve the precision and robustness of 4DP methods by exploiting feedback control technologies and exploring new applications for 4DP, and to address the challenges related to compatibility with soft robots.

Optimization of transportation infrastructure for cities

A project evaluating the impact on the transportation network of increased electric vehicle demand, and exploring what tradeoffs and business models the growing amount of discarded electric vehicles (EV) and batteries may need.

Role models and warning examples in industrial sustainability transformations

The project examines to what extent, how and why firms respond to changes in the behaviour of their peers. It studies influence in three types of networks, constituted by markets, employment patterns and personal networks.

Shallow geothermal potential in Sweden

A large number of skills from different sectors are required to study the many variables affecting the amount of energy that can be extracted from shallow geothermal systems. This research addresses the estimation challenge that arises from this complexity.

Solar-powered biorefinery process development to produce renewable biofuels and bio-carbons from waste biomass

The project mainly focuses on the solar-powered biorefinery process development with aiming to produce renewable biofuels and bio-carbons using waste biomass as raw materials.

Sub-project on decarbonisation of energy systems

An interdisciplinary project focusing on the decarbonisation of energy systems, in particular energy- and carbon intensive industries, the transport sector and the built environment.

Sustainable Energy Systems – Technology and Business Perspectives

Through a systems approach the areas of decarbonization of energy systems, life cycle assessment, sustainable transport fuels, supply chains, stakeholders' perspective and impacts of COVID-19 on the SDGs, are all parts of this research.

Sustainable Transformation Seminars

A seminar series targeting researchers and students at KTH and KTH’s partners, offering a mix of inspirational contributors and different perspectives from all over the world.

Tailorable steel microstructures using electron beam powder bed fusion

This project focuses on materials design of steels for additive manufacturing (AM). More specific on processes enabling the production of components with complex geometries without requiring welding to join separate parts, and a related open-source E-PBF platform.

Thermal Energy Storage R&D on Materials, Components and Systems

Focusing on the important role of thermal energy storage in climate mitigation, this project aims to design holistic energy systems, combining fundamental materials’ studies with component and reactor optimization.

Traceability and sustainable extended life cycle strategies for EV batteries

The project focuses on the need for appropriate traceability for EV batteries, and sustainable extended life cycle strategies of reduce, reuse and recycle.