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  • British Labour leader sees KTH Innovation as a “global model”

    In an official visit on Tuesday to KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, British Labour Party leader Edward Miliband toured one of Europe’s most successful innovation centres, which he called “a global example.”

  • For Spotify founder, innovation combines science and art

    He has been called the saviour of the recording industry. In any case, Daniel Ek’s creation, Spotify, has made an enormous selection of the world’s recorded music available on computers and mobile phones. On Monday, the Spotify founder visited KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

  • Forum at KTH focuses on growth, innovation

    Europe faces profound socio-economic, demographic, environmental and technological challenges, and higher education has a key role to play in meeting them. That role will be the focus of a two-day European Commission conference at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

  • Energy Systems Analysis Agency

    The Energy Systems Analysis Agency is a project within the KIC InnoEnergy initiative aiming to create innovation from energy systems analysis research. Within the project, ECS is focused on developing Sectoral Energy Reports to identify challenges and action areas for specific industry sectors in the context of stringent environmental restrictions and international market competition.

  • For Spotify founder, innovation combines science and art

    He has been called the saviour of the recording industry. In any case, Daniel Ek’s creation, Spotify, has made an enormous selection of the world’s recorded music available on computers and mobile phones. On Monday, the Spotify founder visited KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

  • Education seen as centre of innovation collaborations

    Closer external collaboration and development of competence were two of the themes recurring yesterday during the European Commission’s conference on the Entrepreneurial University, hosted by KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The conference continues on March 20.

  • Technology Visions Meet Market Needs

    KTH plays host this week to 15 university teams taking part in the final event of the Idea to Product® Global Competition. From November 17 to 19, aspiring entrepreneurs from five continents will face the challenge of convincing judges that theirs is the best commercialisation plan for an early-stage ICT, Energy or Bio-Life Sciences technology.

  • Nanomaterial risks unclear

    There are huge gaps in our knowledge of the effects of nanomaterials on health and the environment. This has been established by KTH researchers after mapping the risks and applications of the materials. The report was released today.

  • British Labour leader sees KTH Innovation as a “global model”

    In an official visit on Tuesday to KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, British Labour Party leader Edward Miliband toured one of Europe’s most successful innovation centres, which he called “a global example.”

  • The KTH Innovation pre-incubator program