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Number of hits: 2

  • The brain can become a cornerstone of artificial intelligence

    Researchers at KTH, and US universities MIT and Cornell have been studying the work memory in the brains of monkeys. Hopefully, their newly-acquired knowledge about how memory works will not only play a part in how artificial intelligence can be designed, but also the way in which brain diseases are treated.

  • Updated brain valve releases the pressure

    The condition creates dementia-like symptoms and affects around 2,000 Swedes each year. We are referring to an excess of cerebral fluid because of a defect in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. A solution where a valve is surgically placed behind the ear has previously resolved the issue, but it appears that the valve after just a few years often clogs up completely and must be replaced. The KTH researcher has now found a solution and can thereby introduce Hjärnventil 2.0 (Brain valve 2.0).