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Number of hits: 26

  • Planning with Youth

    Planning with youth: a tool and a framework for an engaging, meaningful and forward-looking participation of youngsters in shaping attractive and sustainable living environments

  • Sound for Energy

    Sound for Energy - Sonic Interaction Design to Support Energy Efficiency Behaviour in the Household

  • Workshop: Improve your Formas application - part 1 Introduction

    Welcome to a workshop for researchers who plan to apply for Formas Open Call 2021. At the workshop we will focus on the criteria for societal relevance: Societal value of research question and Communication with stakeholders and users. Researchers at KTH, who has received high scores for societal relevance in previous calls, present their best way to address the criteria successfully.

  • Designing Energy-Sensitive Interactions

    In this project we look into how design can support electric vehicle drivers in managing and understanding energy consumption

  • HabitWise

    HabitWise - Creating Sustainable Everyday Habits


    Decreased CO2-emissions in flight-intensive organisations: from data to practice.


    Smart storage solutions in the fridge of the future to reduce food waste.


    Designing digital technologies for supporting energy-related behavior change in the kitchen.

  • Homo Colossus

    From Homo Sapiens to Homo Colossus: Visualising our energy footprint

  • Event Horizon

    Beyond the event horizon: tools to explore local energy transformations

  • Food Review

    A systematic review of the scientific literature on digital interventions for more sustainable food consumption behaviour.

  • Digital Stewardship

    Digital Stewardship: Infrastructuring Waste Management Through Digital Platforms This project will study, design and develop the integration of digital platforms and sensor technologies to support people to collectively act to care for the environment. We call this collective work ‘Digital Stewardship’.

  • Energy Review

    A systematic review of scientific literature on digital behavior change interventions for more sustainable energy behavior.

  • KTH in steel revolution

    When the UN Climate Summit gathered the world's leaders in New York last fall, two Swedes were the talk of the town: Greta and "HYBRIT" - an initiative by SSAB, Vattenfall and LKAB that will make steel production fossil-free and substantially reduce CO2 emissions in Sweden. KTH plays an important role in what is called a revolution in steelmaking.

  • Seminars that want to change industry and society

    A seminar series addressing Industrial and Societal transformation towards sustainability starts in the fall. With a mix of inspirational speakers to more focused presentations by both external and internal speakers, the organizers hope for exciting meetings.

  • Frauke Urban at INDEK, is one of the Climate Champions of Startup Climate Action

    Time is running out and we must act quickly to limit global warming to 1.5° C. Startup Climate Action therefore has a challenge-driven approach and focuses on UN Sustainability Goal # 13 − Climate Action. The starting point is 13 Climate Challenges, presented by 13 Swedish Climate Champions.

  • Antioxidants and plastics could be made from byproducts of wheat milling

    It’s usually used as livestock feed, but wheat bran’s value in human nutrition and medicine may soon reach its full potential with a new sustainable processing method developed by Swedish researchers.

  • Researcher says consumption contradicts sustainability

    To be an environmental researcher also entails a responsibility to enter the debate on social priorities. This is the opinion of Bradley who undertakes research into how lifestyles influence the environment.

  • CLUE - Climate Neutral Urban Districts in Europe

    The project Climate Neutral Urban Districts in Europe tackles the challenges modern sustainable cities are facing. A climate neutral urban district uses innovative new technology and building techniques to reduce its carbon footprint.

  • KTH Tech Talks: Algae farming – a sustainable solution

    In this episode of KTH Tech Talks, Fredrik Gröndahl from the department of Sustainable development, Environmental science and Engineering (SEED) and Fredrika Gullfot, founder of Simris Alg, discuss growing algae and what algae can be used for.

  • Publications

  • New master's programme in sustainable digitalisation

    High requests from both students and staff at KTH resulted in the new master's programme being established at record speed. It is now open for applications, with study start in August 2024.

  • Projects in SF Lab

  • The Handbook on Climate Change and Technology published

    Edited by KTH researchers, the recently published Handbook on Climate Change and Technology presents how technology can aid in sustainability transitions, acting as a guide for academics and policymakers alike.

  • KTH students received SEK 50,000 each: Here are the results

    At a time when surveys such as The Nordic youth barometer show that interest among young people in sustainability issues is on the decline, there is evidence to the contrary. Like the 12 KTH students who received between SEK 25,000 and 50,000 each for theses with an environmental focus. Now they have presented their achievements.

  • Sustainable Futures Lab

    Sustainable Futures Lab (SF Lab) team's research interests are located in the intersection between on the one hand media technologies and information and communication technologies (ICT) and on the other hand issues relating to sustainability and sustainable development.