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Number of hits: 3

  • KTH still in top in internationalisation

    For the fifth year in a row, KTH has been awarded the highest rating for its work with internationalisation among Swedish universities. The award is presented by the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, STINT.

  • Climate is one culprit in spread and growth of Middle East dust levels

    Climate change is transforming dust storms—a natural phenomenon in the Middle East—into a more frequent and widespread threat to health and economies throughout the region, a new study shows.

  • Leading academics call for extending, reframing Sustainable Development Goals

    A group of leading academics are calling for the UN Sustainable Development Goals to be extended past their 2030 target date and updated. In a paper led by KTH Associate Professor Francesco Fuso-Nerini, the researchers say the SDGs need to consider the impact of artificial intelligence (AI), and include more input from communities affected by the goals, among other recommendations.