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  • The future of digital gadgetry

    When the Mobile Life research center hosts an open house, there's joy and playfulness. Here's a glimpse of some of the ways the Internet of Things could become part of our lives in the near future.

  • Sensors to monitor bridges – and even enable them to tweet

    While bridge collapses are rare, there have been enough of them to raise concerns in some parts of the world that their condition is not sufficiently monitored. Sweden is taking a hi-tech approach to its aging infrastructure. Researchers from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm are rigging up the country’s bridges with multiple sensors that allow early detection of wear and tear. The bridges can even tweet throughout the course of a day.

  • Platform brings mobile connection speeds up to 100 Gbps

    Even though mobile internet link speeds might soon be 100 Gbps, this doesn’t necessarily mean network carriers will be free of data-handling challenges that effectively slow down mobile data services, for everything from individual device users to billions of internet-of-things connections.