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Conference on "Security for Industry - How to avoid a Cyber attack"

KTH’s research platforms on Digitalization and Industrial Transformation are organizing an online conference on "Security for Industry - How to avoid a Cyber attack" to be held on May 26th. The aim is to bring together academia, industry and other stakeholders around this critical theme.

Time: Wed 2021-05-26

Location: Zoom

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Join the conference and get inspired by stimulating plenary presentations and industry overviews. Get updated with brief introductions on state-of-the-art made by our KTH researchers, and interesting dialogs and panel discussions on the themes cybersecurity, security-by-design and security risk assessment. We ramp-up with a discussion on what comes next. 

Join the event on Zoom here.  Passcode: 834501.


09:00-09:05 Welcome and introduction 

Monica Bellgran, Director, KTH Industrial Transformation Platform

Tobias Oechtering, Director, KTH Digitalization Platform

09:05-10:15 Session 1 – Overview industry needs:

Presentations by:

  • Ola Appelros, CIO/Country IS Manager - ABB
  • Magnus Malmström, CTO – Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions
  • Fredrik Tomasson, CISO – Scania
  • Eva Fogelström, Director, Security Research - Ericsson
  • Johan Harvard, Relationship Management Director – Combient

Concluding dialogue with the speakers.

10:15-10:25 Break, 10 mins

10:25-11:35 Session 2 – Cybersecurity

Plenary talk followed by a short Q&A:

  • Elisabeth Oswald, Professor - University of Klagenfurt, Austria. Leakage Profiling: Methods, Reasons, and some Thoughts about Responsibility.

Short tutorials by:

  • Panagiotis Papadimitratos, Professor – Div. of Software and Computer Systems, KTH
  • Roberto Guanciale, Assoc. Professor - Div. of Theoretical Computer Science, KTH
  • Elena Dubrova, Professor – Div. of Electronics and Embedded Systems, KTH

Concluding dialogue with the speakers.

11:35-11:45 Break, 10 mins

11:45-12:55 Session 3 – Security by design

Plenary talk followed by a short Q&A:

  • David Basin, Professor – ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Security by Design: a New Internet based on Scion.

Short tutorials by:

  • Elena Troubitsyna, Assoc. Professor – Div. of Theoretical Computer Science, KTH
  • Henrik Sandberg, Professor - Div. of Decision and Control Systems, KTH
  • Ragnar Thobaben, Assoc. Professor – Div. of Information Science and Engineering, KTH

Concluding dialogue with the speakers.

12:55-13:40 Lunch Break, 45 mins

13:40-14:50 Session 4 – Security risk assessment

Plenary talk followed by a short Q&A:

  • Emil C. Lupu, Professor – Imperial College London, UK

Short tutorials by:

  • Mathias Ekstedt, Professor – Div. of Network and Systems Engineering, KTH
  • Martin Törngren, Professor – Unit of Mechatronics and Embedded Control Systems, KTH
  • Pontus Johnson, Professor – Div. of Network and Systems Engineering, KTH

Concluding dialogue with the speakers.

14:50-15:00 Break, 10 mins

15:00-16:10 Session 5 – Panel discussion: What comes next?

Plenary talk:

  • Boryana Hristova-Ilieva, Legal Officer – Unit H.2 Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy, European Commission, Brussels


  • Patrik Sandgren, Ansv. Digitalisering - Teknikföretagen
  • Boryana Hristova-Ilieva, Legal Officer – Unit H.2 Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy, European Commission, Brussels
  • Carl Önne, CISSP/Information Security Specialist – Unit of Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Section, Cybersecurity and Secure Communications Department, MSB
  • James Christie, Analyst – PTS Swedish Post and Telecom Authority

More names will be added when confirmed.

16:10-16:15 Wrap up

16:15 End of conference

Please note that this program and the end time might be adjusted depending on confirmations from additional participants.