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The construction industry is changing - KTH Transformation Day 2021 on construction business

The construction business has traditionally not changed that much. However, new technology, sustainability and high values of real estate are currently driving the transformation of the sector. The KTH Transformation Day 2021, reflects the ongoing trends, and gives an outlook for the future built society with researchers, politicians and industry representatives discussing the business of today, and what needs to be done going forward in this important sector.

Time: Tue 2021-12-07 09.00 - 12.30

Location: Digital, Zoom

Video link: Passcode 411821

Language: Swedish

Participating: Several

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The KTH Transformation Day 2021 highlights the changing construction industry. Photo: Ola Grönlund/Unsplash

The construction business is a sector with an extensive negative impact on the climate. Now, new innovations in technology and business models contribute to reducing the construction business' environmental impact. Some examples are robots building houses, sensors adapting the energy consumption based on the presence of people in houses, or green financing.

Welcome to join an interesting online conference held in Swedish with a theme that has an impact on most of us.

Some of the participants

  • Professor Kent Eriksson, former Director of the Center for Construction Efficiency, will be presenting a study on the construction business transformation.
  • Stefan Lindbäck, CEO, Lindbäcks Group
  • Cecilia Granath, CEO, Tyréns, Sweden
  • Ulf Håkansson, Technical Manager, Skanska, Sweden

Please contact Professor Kent Eriksson , , or Professor Monica Bellgran , , for further information.

The KTH Transformation Day 2021 is organised by the KTH Industrial Transformation Platform  and the Centre for Construction Efficiency .