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  • KTH Energy Platform Director looks back on the past year

    Two persons on a bench.
    Energy Platform’s Deputy Director Christophe Duwig and Director Lina Bertling Tjernberg at Tekniska museet for this year’s live broadcast of KTH Energy Dialogue.
    Published Dec 10, 2020

    Hi there Lina Bertling Tjernberg, KTH Energy Platform Director. 2020 has been an unusual year - how has it affected your activities?

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  • Energy Dialogue 2020

    Two persons on a stage.
    Published Dec 08, 2020

    KTH Energy Dialogue 2020 was held as a live digital broadcast with special focus on the country’s energy competence centres where R&D is being conducted into energy sources set to pave the way to a mo...

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  • “Communicating research is to be part of something bigger”

    Published Dec 08, 2020

    KTH Energy Dialogue 2020 highlighted Fredrik Heiding and Deniz Yildiz for their research presentations on this year's virtual arena. We put the same three questions to each of them.

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  • SweGRID annual conference: held digitally and emphasized continued digitalization

    A screen with people on it.
    SweGRIDS Conference was streamed from a studio and gathered participants both from Sweden and abroad.
    Published Dec 08, 2020

    For this year’s annual SweGrids Conference, representatives from academia, business, and the public sector gathered online on November 12th. 

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  • Digital exhibition

    Published Nov 25, 2020

    Welcome to the KTH Energy Dialogue 2020 virtual exhibition.

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  • Welcome to the energy competence hub at KTH

    Published Nov 16, 2020

    KTH Energy Platform coordinates and supports interdisciplinary research initiatives in the energy segment at KTH and brings together more than 450 researchers in 30 research groups and five competence...

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  • Where planning for building sustainable communities starts

    Published Nov 16, 2020

    In October, KTH Energy Platform made a digital visit to the School of Architecture and the Built Environment for an orientation on current research in the energy field. Six research presentations high...

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  • A hub for nuclear technology knowledge and competence

    Published Nov 12, 2020

    The annual symposium of the Swedish Centre for Nuclear Technology (SKC) was held in October. For two days, around 100 researchers, students, and industry representatives gathered digitally to share th...

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  • Broad perspectives and cross-border collaboration

    Published Oct 07, 2020

    The KTH Energy Platform's visit to the School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM), Department of Energy Technology, was conducted entirely digitally in response to the ongoing pandemic. Dur...

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  • KTH competition winners get impact communications coaching at VA

    Picture of 7 people standing next to each other.
    Published Sep 09, 2020

    Each year, KTH hosts the Energy Dialogue which aims to bring together researchers, industry and policy makers to address sustainability in urban energy systems. During the dialogue last year there was...

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  • Welcome back after the summer break!

    Published Aug 27, 2020

    As an unusual summer draws to a close, it’s time to get together once again to jointly contribute to the development of the energy sector. KTH’s Energy Platform is an inclusive meeting place for all ...

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  • New research findings accelerate energy transition

    Fyra personer som står framför vid ett bord framföra en tv skärm.
    I studion Representanter från Levande Video, Sustainable Innovation och KTH Energiplattform CD och LBT.
    Published Jun 26, 2020

    Where can we find the most effective innovations in renewable energy? How can we quickly take the step from research to large-scale implementation? KTH’s Energy Platform brought together some 70 parti...

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  • See the seminar The energy transition and the way there

    Published Jun 22, 2020

    On Tuesday, June 16, Sustainable Innovation together with KTH Energy platform organized a seminar on the Energy Transition and the way there. Here you can see the seminar and read what the participant...

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  • Working together for a brighter future

    Published Jun 09, 2020

    We can look back on an extremely challenging spring term. The corona pandemic has changed all our lives and presented us with a new reality. A reality for which we have all been equipped differently a...

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  • Webinar: Energy transformation and the way there

    Bild på personer som står bredvid varandra framför ett skepp.
    Seminarium KTH energiplattform, Almedalen Hållbarhetsarenan Teaterskeppet, 2019 , Visby.
    Published Jun 05, 2020

    Sustainable Innovation invites you to a webinar with KTH's energy platform - Energy transformation and the way to it.

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  • Open call: Visiting researcher programme within climate and environment

    Published Apr 21, 2020

    The visiting researcher programme within climate and environment gives Swedish HEIs the opportunity to receive visiting researchers from the United States.

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  • The French Institute Nordic Award (FINA)

    logotype of FINA
    Published Feb 28, 2020

    The five French Institutes in the Nordic region (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland) have decided to launch in 2020 a dedicated award: the French Institutes Nordic Award (FINA). One doctoral...

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  • Welcome to a workshop on digital twins for smart, energy positive and sustainable cities

    KTH main building in sunset with blue sky and lights from the windows.
    Published Feb 10, 2020

    Are you a researcher at KTH, IVL or RISE and interested in match-making to build research teams in view of upcoming calls? Maybe you are: (1) already performing research relating to digital twins?...

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  • KTH Energy Dialogue 2019 offered insights about solutions to achieve climate goals

    Participants at KTH Energy Dialogue 2019. Closest around the table with the KTH cloth (from the left): KTH's President Sigbritt Karlsson, Director of the Energy Platform Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Director General of the Swedish Energy Agency Robert Andrén, CEO of Vattenfall Magnus Hall (Photo by Fredrik Persson)
    Published Nov 21, 2019

    KTH Energy Dialogue 2019 offered insights from a wide area of research: disruptive business models, cyber-attacks and transparent solar-cells were all covered throughout the day - and an overall theme...

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  • Documentation from the Energy Dialogue 2019

    Hosts of the Energy Dialogue 2019: Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Director of KTH Energy Platform, and Christophe Duwig, Deputy Director (photo: Fredrik Persson)
    Published Nov 21, 2019

    Here you find photos and links to documentation (presentations and summary) from the Energy Dialogue on 14 November 2019.

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