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The Degree Project Fair 2022 – a success

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Project Manager Alexandra Leyton at the Project Degree Fair 2022
Published Oct 14, 2022

42 companies, 12 research groups and almost 300 KTH students met at the annual Degree Project Fair at KTH Kista. It was bursting with energy when the students met companies such as ABB, Ericsson and IBM to find suitable degree projects.

Organising the Degree Project Fair is unique for the EECS school. It's a benefit for our students in the ICT area to have a meeting point with companies and research groups that offers degree projects. The project manager for this annual fair is Communications officer Alexandra Leyton.

"At the fair, you will meet representatives from all of KTH. Näringslivssamverkan (NLS) are present to answer companies' and students' questions regarding degree projects, our research groups that offer degree projects, our strategic partners, but also companies and other stakeholders from the industry", says Alexandra.

After the fair, exhibitors gathered in the recently inaugurated Stockholm Senseable Lab (SSL) for a mingle.

"The mingle is a very appreciated feature among the companies, and a platform for us to spread the schools' current events and the activities conducted in Kista", Alexandra finishes.

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KTH assists in finding degree projects

Almost every first and second cycle education student finishes their programme with a degree project. Some find their project on their own by contacting companies, organisations or agencies or networking on social media. Others find their projects in one of the platforms offered by KTH; the digital Degree Project Portal  and the yearly Degree Project Fair

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