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ACCESS Linnaeus Research center celebrates 10 year anniversary

Published Apr 26, 2016

During the last ten years, the ACCESS Linnaeus center has conducted successful research within the broad area of networked systems. A total of 60 faculty members and postdocs and 100 PhD students from different disciplines collaborate in ACCESS, and together they have created Europe’s leading center in the broad area of networked systems. To celebrate its achievements, a major industrial and academic event will be organized on the 2nd of May.

The ACCESS Linnaeus Center is Europe’s leading research center in the area of networked systems. It has enabled KTH to bring together 160 researchers from Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics in order to carry out long-term, fundamental and interdisciplinary research as well as joint PhD education in the broad area of networked systems.

James Gross

“Over the last decade, ACCESS has provided important contributions to areas such as cyber-physical system, data analytics, security and privacy, telecommunication networks, mobile communications, complexity management and software-defined networking, says James Gross, associate professor and vice director for the ACCESS Linneaus Centre. “Apart from attracting leading national and international projects and collaborations in these areas, we have attracted major scientific conferences and guest researchers to Stockholm.” 

The center researches new ways to simplify communication between people, systems and machines, and addresses many fundamental problems of the ongoing trend in digitization. In our modern world, networked systems have become a vital infrastructure and the base of services we take for granted, such as connectivity of personal devices in the home and car up to global communication and positioning via satellite systems. Through networked systems, a foundation for a more sustainable society, less stressful life and a more responsible future can be built.

“The break-through results that the center has provided, has attracted many industrial players as well, says James Gross. Over the years, companies such as Ericsson, ABB, Scania and SAAB have collaborated with ACCESS or ACCESS faculty. ”This has helped companies to explore new solutions while on the other hand this has also lead to new or follow-up problems that ACCESS has concentrated on”.

Besides research, ACCESS has its own PhD program, where about 150 people have graduated over the course of ten years.

The ACCESS Linnaeus Center is now entering a transition phase, where new areas are to be explored and new organization forms need to be found. In order to emphasize and support this, ACCESS organized a two-day workshop, addressing on the first day industrial perspectives on new research frontiers, while the second day will serve as an Alumni workshop.

A meeting point for academia and industry

The celebration will take place on the 2nd of May. The day will see presentations of invited speakers, posters and a panel related to the upcoming topic of cloud computing and services such as current technological developments, application areas and novel applications for infrastructure. There will be speakers from IBM Research, Cisco and Ericsson representing the industry as well as two high-profile academic talks.

ACCESS Workshop website


The research center is a cooperation between eight departments from three schools at KTH: School of Electrical Engineering (Automatic Control, Communication Networks, Communication Theory, Signal Processing), the School of Engineering Sciences (Computational Biology and Theoretical Computer Science) and the School of Engineering Sciences (Optimisation and Systems Theory). ACCESS annual turnover is EUR 10 million making it one of northern Europe’s largest research centers for future networked systems.

ACCESS website