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Veronika Mayerboeck

Veronika Mayerboeck (MSc) is a lighting designer and architect based in Vienna.

„The secret was to get inside whatever I was looking at.“ John Berger (1)

As lighting designer and architect I am very curious how far the „act“ of observing and perceiving our environment already has changed nowadays.
What is „touching“ us visually?
In which ways can a person be reached aside of a constant surrounding (self-centered) media content?
And what happened to unintentional wondering?

(1)Quelle: „John Berger oder die Kunst des Sehens“, Film von Cordelia Dvorak, ARTE, Deutschland 2016

Title: Lighting beyond senses

This lecture explores the interconnectivity between light, movement and space. Presenting different works introducing the topic of vision and movement as a key to our sensory experience, the major focus is "LIGHTSCORES" a wearable sensor tool that translates motoric input into sound. This playful tool is used for mobility training of visually impaired children, physiotherapy and neurorehabilitation.

Next to her architectural education she studied contemporary dance (Mona May/AT, Tanzquartier Vienna). The symbiosis between space and movement early determined her professional focus on light and human perception. Her approach to lighting is characterized by a strong background in lighting for theatre and performing arts. (Wiener Sängerknaben, Impulstanzfestival Wien, Wiener Festwochen, TOSCA Römersteinbruch Margareten, Cynetart Dresden, HAU Berlin, a.o.) Her education was followed by professional activities for Laurent Fachard/ LEA Lyon, XAL, Egger Lighting und Viabizzuno Vienna. Since 2010 freelance lighting designer for theatre and stage, since 2016 technical engineering office for lighting design.

Her award winning research project LIGHTSCORES led her exploring phenomenological layers of space and the interconnectivity between light, movement and the body while working with visually impaired kids. ( ) (Content Award 2016, Health Tech & You Award Design Museum London 2015, Research cooperation with Otto Bock 2017/2018).
Up to now her studio „ALLES oder Licht“ realizes lighting design for museums and cultural buildings (Künstlerhaus Vienna, KHM Vienna, Sammlung Essl Klosterneubeurg, Raimundtheater Vienna a.o.) or for particular artwork (World Court triptych H. Bosch, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna) and exhibitions (Heydar Aliev Center Baku, Pact Zollverein, Albertina Vienna, a.o.)
She has been teaching Workshops at (P.A.S.S. Mons/BE, MAB Aarhus/ DK), lecturing at Summer School Bern University of Arts/CH 2018, „Immersive Art“ Lectures at KHM Vienna 2017, TU Graz Architecture Series and PLDC Rome 2015 aside of teaching activities for TU-Graz and TU-Vienna.
In parallel of visiting this year’s symposium at KTH she is realizing a suite for ICEHOTEL 2018 in Lappland ☺