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Myriam Aries

Myriam Aries is a Full Professor Lighting Science at Jönköping University (JU).

“If one really wants to say how light affects humans, one needs to see the whole picture.”

Myriam Aries (Photo: István Szántó)

Title: Daylight knowledge to enhance healthy lighting in architecture

Even though daylight and electric lighting are not physically different, they have different qualities. When designing healthy (electric) lighting for the built environment, the question is if daylight should be substituted or mimicked. Input for designing and implementing intelligent dynamic lighting solutions will be discusses as well as ways to research and test the design and implementation in test beds.

Her expertise lies mainly in in the field of (day)light application, visual comfort, and human light and health demands in the built environment. Myriam holds an MSc in Building Technology from the Delft University of Technology and a PhD in Building Physics/Lighting from the TU/e. During a post-doctoral fellowship, she continued her work with light and health within the lighting group of National Research Council Canada. She further expanded her academic expertise in the field of daylight application, visual comfort, and human light and health demands at the TU/e. Since July 2016, Myriam works in Sweden where she is building a group for research and education studying the comfortable, energy-efficient, and functional interaction of (day)light within and between architectural environments. It includes the understanding and impact of dynamic lighting environments on humans as well as the spillover effects from one environment to another.
