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Ellen Kathrine Hansen

Ellen Kathrine Hansen holds a Master in Architecture from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen and a PhD in lighting design process from Aalborg University.

Ellen Kathrine Hansen

“Light as a multidimensional design element has so many potentials to be explored”

Title: Designing with light – a multidimensional design element

How can we design with knowledge on light and health crossing scientific boundaries in the creative design process?

Dr Hansen is a leading person in the field of transdisciplinary design research and teaching within Lighting Design. She has more than 20 years of experience driving projects within the field of developing new architectural potentials through integration of daylight and lighting technology. Her projects are based on combining knowledge and skills from technical, artistic, humanistic and industrial environments. In 2012 Dr. Hansen left the window industry to start up a new Master of Science programme and research platform at Aalborg University in Copenhagen. The program and research group combines architecture, engineering and media technology in a human centric approach to lighting solutions that seek to improve our built environment with applied knowledge of lighting design. Researchers, industrial business partners and students in Lighting Design team up here to solve relevant societal problems.