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Agne Milkeviciute

I am Agne Milkeviciute, an experienced architect and recently graduated master in architectural lighting design.

Title: Crisis of Window. Lost Purpose of Daylight Opening

Phenomena of window loosing it’s primary functional purpose [inside-outside connection in terms of view and daylight] and becoming more decorative element of the facade.

My educational background consists of architectural studies in Vilnius with some time spent in Valencia as an exchange program and recent year spent studying architectural lighting design at KTH in Stockholm. My practical background is also international - I worked as an architect in Lithuania and Ireland for more then three years exploring differences in various regions’ architecture and design and now continuing doing that here in Sweden in field of architecture and light. Alongside I also work as freelance architect with various scale projects around Europe. I truly enjoy my work and appreciate the possibility to shape different environments for the benefit of humans. ​