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Citizen Survey: Mina Platser - Åre kommun

Which places are important for you and for the local life in a community?

In a research study conducted by KTH and financed by Vinnova we investigate which places the inhabitants and others are using in their daily life. We want to identify those places that are especially important for the local community and that residents and those who work/live in the area use in everyday life. An aim is to identify places that are important for different people and different groups in Åre municipality. A long-term aim is to increase the understanding of how a development of such places may contribute to a positive development of society.

We will study these places based on what is happening there, why people want to be there, how accessibility looks to these places but also study the physical relation between these places, buildings or institutions in, and to what degree they are present in public space. Places in focus may be places that are frequently used, places people like, or that people avoid of different reasons, places that carry a history or symbolize our cultural heritage. It could also be places where we meet friends and acquaintances or where we to find seclusion.

At KTH we conduct research about how we through planning and urban design can achieve equal living conditions and support a local and sustainable development of societies. In this project we aim to increase the understanding of the role of architecture and urban design in relation to social sustainability, to different kinds of social and cultural processes and how it builds and influences cohesion or influences the identity of a place.

You are warmly welcome to contribute by identify and mark the places that you use, avoid or that you find important for society.

Your answers will be treated anonymously. The results will be represented on a large scale level and as combined results. Individual answers will not be able to distinguish. We are primarily interested of capturing patterns in the city/community and not individual behaviour. Data and the results will be used for research within KTH, Applied urban design and the Duved-model research project.

Questions? KTH Ann Legeby, e-mail:

A link to more info on KTH web page:

Start the questionnaire by clicking on the black arrow to the right!