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See all presentations from the inauguration of the KTH Centre for Sports Engineering

It was crowded during the presentations at the opening of the KTH Sports Technology Center. Photo: KTH
Published Sep 19, 2023

In the spring of 2023, the KTH Centre for Sports Engineering was inaugurated. 20 exciting research projects were presented and President Anders Söderholm gave a speech. Watch films from the day and learn more about the research conducted at the centre.

Opening Remarks

Anders Söderholm

President of KTH

Anders Larsson

Vice President of the Swedish Olympic Committee

Peter Mattsson

National Sports Confederation Elite Sports 2030

Gunnar Karlsson

Director of KTH Sports Engineering

Research and innovation

Madelen Fahlstedt, MIPS

MIPS – From biomechanical research at KTH to a revolutionary helmet technology sold worldwide

Laine Gutierrez Farewik, KTH

Technology to decode, predict and enhance human movement

Jörgen Rogstam, EKA

Nya generationer ishallsteknik utvecklad i samarbete med KTH (presentation in Swedish)

Christer Norström, Realheart

Från skidor till återhämtning (presentation in Swedish)

Seraina Dual, KTH

Adaptive technology to follow the rhythm of the heart in sports

Tord af Klintberg, KTH

Blått ljus och fotokatalys i simhallar (presentation in Swedish)

Johan Jansson, KTH/Icarus

Digital Math - paradigm-shift in predictive simulation and STEM education

Mario Romero Vega, KTH

The role of data visualization in sports engineering

Quick Tour of the Exhibition

 Quick pitches of all stations in the fair.