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New project on digital solutions for value recovery in manufacturing

Person in manufacturing
Photo: This is engineering, Unsplash.
Published Feb 07, 2023

A four-year research project involving KTH and partners from 9 countries kicked-off in January 2023. The project will focus on the development of an open access platform for lifecycle information management, and digital solutions for value recovery activities built on state-of-the-art technologies.

Digitalising the value recovery mechanism in the automotive, whitegoods and electronics sectors for implementing the Circular Manufacturing Systems is a new collaborative research project, made possible by a Horizon Europe grant.

Farazee Asif, Assistant Professor and Docent at the department of production engineering is principle investigator for the extensive project, involving KTH and 14 partners from 9 countries.

Farazee Asif
Farazee Asif.

”The value recovery operations in Circular Manufacturing Systems (CMS) are far behind. This low efficiency and responsiveness is significantly impacting the economic and environmental performance of the CMS and thereby hindering its uptake”, says Farazee Asif.

He explains that to improve the efficiency in the value recovery operations by taking full advantage of integrated digital solutions, it is crucial to access critical information by relevant stakeholders across the value chain. Starting with the knowledge of where the products are, and in what condition.

The project therefore aims at developing digital solutions to support value recovery activities, and an open-access digital platform that operates beyond the boundary of individual companies, using state-of-the-art technologies, such as Internet of Things, Machine Learning and Augmented Reality.

”The digital solutions and the open access platform that operates harmoniously can significantly improve the efficiency and responsiveness of the value recovery operations, and thereby become an important enabler for the transition from a linear economy to a circular one”, says Farazee Asif.

Managers, engineers, technicians, and operators at the case companies in the project will be equipped with integrated digital solutions for managing, inspecting, sorting, testing and recovering value from used products.

The project, with a total budget of 6 million Euro, started in January 2023 and will continue for four years.

Project summary: