Make some noise for the ICBM conference
After a year of preparations, the Department of Production Engineering (IPU) hosted the biannual conference “Barkhausen Noise and Micromagnetic Testing” (ICBM) taking place in the last days of September.
“It was our ambition to bring together academics and industries from all over the world for an excellent scientific event,” says the organizer, Robert Tomkowski from the Manufacturing and Metrology Systems unit at IPU.
The focus of his year’s conference was on micromagnetic sensors and their development from design to applications. Partners during the event were Lundin Stress Service AB (Sweden), Stresstech Oy , and Meetx .
“The conference and its social events were much appreciated,” says Robert Tomkowski, who gives credit to his team members Bita Daemi, Bernd Peukert, and Theodoros Laspas.
All participants also received the book "The Barkhausen Noise Measurements – Good Practice Guide". If you are curious it is available online on Diva:
The Barkhausen Noise Measurements – Good Practice Guide (Diva)